In love? Is it a good thing?

i want to be in love but i can't..

don't ask why..

because i don't know too..

the feeling love just don't come to me..

everyday i watch my friends who have a crush on somebody

gone mad and crazy

happy and sad

blushing and crying

infront of me..

I just want to know how it feels like..

I think i had love somebody before..

but i don't think it's serious love...

I don't feel the clenching thing inside my chest that my friends saying..

I don't really get that nervous or anything..

so i never feel love in my life...

and i just wanted to ask you..

How does it feels like to be in love?

Is it good or bad?

should i be in love or not?


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Yes u should. I've only had crushes and it feels good. When I'm older I wanna fall in love for realz. (Yes, and get married and all that cliché stuff).