GOING CRAZY...*sobs*

I just can't take it anymore! Which is why i've resorted to letting out my feelings here!crying TOO MANY THINGS ARE GOING ON RIGHT NOW! I'M GOING CRAZY!

WHY IS EVERYTHING IN SUCH A MESS???????? I'M PULLING MY HAIR RIGHT NOW. You know how people always describe that in one point of your life, there'll be a three-way junction. I guess i'm there now.

Firstly, WHAT?! I CANT USE TWITTER OR FACEBOOK ANYMORE? WHERE HAS MY LIFE GONE? I CANT EVEN USE YOUTUBE, FANGIRL, LISTEN TO MUSIC?! AND MY PHONE, IT'S CONFISCATED BY MY MOM. angrySo that's why i'm here. i told her i'm writing a story. if she finds out its asianfanfics, I'm DEAD MEAT, STRAIGHT TO THE OVEN crying Ssriously, i have suffered loads but this is the first time i've no where to go to talk to anyone. Its always easier to talk about problems with ppl like on twitter than any family members!

Secondly, i have to make the biggest decision of my life. Should i go back to my home country to study or stay here? Its always been my dream to study here but when the scholarship ends next year, how am i gonna survive til University? The school fees cost a bomb! But if i go back, which i detest, i have a scholarship waiting for me to last 6 years! SO WHAT DO I DO? I HAVE TO MAKE THE DECISION BY THE END OF THE MONTH

Thirdly, there's gonna be a United Cube Concert in December. I WANT TO GO! I have NEVER been to a concert and after all the efforts in helping with flashmobs etc...I CANT GO???? Its not that i've got exams or im not free, my mom doesnt let me! she'd rather spend money shopping than buy me a single ticket! Okay..i want a VIP ticket but still...You may not know but as i am writing this, i'm crying inside. I cant let my mom know though...so i'm trying to smile:) but i dont feel it at all. So i have resolved to waiting outside the concert venue (if i can even get out of my house on tat day -.-) and hope with all my heart that i can catch a glimpse of BEASTbroken heart

Fourthly, my parents (actually only my mom) has wayyy tooooo HIGH expectations of me. I'm doing well in school, very well this term and just because you see articles of some genius does not mean you have to force me to be like him. JUST SHUT THE F*** UP! (not to you, reader, im just so pissed) Also, cant i be want i wanna be. WHY FORCE ME TO BECOME STH I DONT WANNA BE!!!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!

I have lots more problem but i'm so clogged up right now, i cant think of it. I guess i have to calm down and carry on.

Sorry for my rant.


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