〈 p a p e r c l i p 〉♥ :: application ( Moon Hanbi / Poppy Moon )

Moon HanBi


(it was easier to see in white ||D)

 who are you, really?

username: momoren

activeness: 8


 i want to get to know you

character's name: Moon Han Bi / Poppy Moon

nicknames(s): Haney ( mix of Hanbi + honey, she can be real sweet when she wants to be )

age: 18

birthdate: December /31st /1994

birthplace: Melbourne, Australia

hometown: Sydney, Australia

ethnicity: Korean / Australian

blood type: AB

languages: English - fluent | Korean - almost fluent, sometimes forgets words or is confused when people speak too fast.


 oh my god! you are so beautiful!

ulzzang name: Lee Eun Jin

ulzzang pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

back-up ulzzang name: Mint

back-up ulzzang pictures: 1 2 3 4

height: 167cm

weight: 53kg


 i don't understand you, tell me about you.

HanBi is a pretty cheerful person. There aren't a lot of moments where she'll flip, but when she does...Boy, you want to get the heck out of there. Her temper is short, very short, but she tends to stay calm around people she likes. Don't want to scare them off, do we? She's a mix of personalities, ranging from hyper and cheerful to sarcastic and mean. Around people she doesn't like, she will be blatantly rude to them because she doesn't care what they think about her. Around people she likes, it'll take her some time to open up. You see, Hanbi, as a little girl, preferred to stay indoors to draw or something rather than go out to town with her friends the way her sister did. She had friends, yes, but only really saw them in school or by accident. This is because Hanbi is really unsure about people until she gets to know them. She's scared out of her wits that they don't actually like her and find her annoying. She knows it's pathetic, but since she didn't go out much when she was young this fear stayed with her. However, when she finally decides the person actually likes her, which they did all along, she will be weird, sarcastic, funny and sweet. Oh, and if you two are really close, then she will be ridiculously erted. I'm not kidding, it's awful.

cold weather
song mashups
indie music
subtle abs e u e /slapped.


guys with loads of muscles
hot weather
annoyingly perfect people
going to the beach


taking photographs




putting her hands up her sleeves
pursing her lips like a duck when she's concentrating
singing along to any song she knows


really wants to get an elephant tattoo, she thinks they're so cute.

has an obssession with mochi, especially blue mochi.




 you are rich?! tell me more!

I grew up in a pretty normal family. We had a piano, guitar and two violins, which meant there was even more noise than there should've been. My Mom liked to keep bees in the garden and asked me and my sister to help her. My sister, Heesun, would run inside screeching for Daddy to help her. I'd blink at Mom, who would be laughing at Heesun. Then I'd nod and help her, 'cause her bees were really interesting and funny to watch. School was fine, I had a healthy amount of friends I guess? I only really got into trouble for talking; and half of the time I wasn't even the one talking. I had good friends in detention, so being punished was fine with me.


Mother | Abbie Moon | 46 | Biologist  | kind, clever, sarcastic, tough, understanding | alive
Father | Moon Daejung / Matt Moon | 49 |  Piano teacher | gentle, funny, silly, clever, talented | alive


Sister | Moon Heesun / Daisy Moon | 16 | part-time waitress | childish, annoying, immature, sweet, clever | alive


le none o u o

 i am here for you, best friend.


Yongguk | 22 | Idol (B.A.P.)  |  stupid, immature, funny, sarcastic, secretly sweet | alive

D.O |  20  | Idol (exo)  |  charming, funny, modest, short tempered, sarcastic | alive

best friend: 

 Lee Hi | 16 | Idol (Soloist)  | sweet, poker faced, funny, erted, eccentric  | alive

Krystal  | 18 | Idol  (F(x)) | rude, full of herself, snobby, girly, flirty | alive


 you love someone?! who is he?

name of love interest: Do Kyungsoo (exo)

personality: charming, funny, modest, short temper, sarcastic

status: they were good friends pre-debut and still are


back-up love interest: Lee Sungyeol (Infinite)

personality: silly, funny, kind-hearted, short tempered, jokey

status: she's a huge fangirl, it's ridiculous.


 popular enough already? are you ready to be watched?

stage name: Poppy

persona name: Switching StrawBaby ( Her mood changes real quick, she blushes quite a bit & she's real young too. Gosh. )

position: main vocal, sub dancer

back-up position: lead vocal, main dancer

fanclub name: Poppy Seeds

fanclub color:        ---

how did you get casted?: annual singing contest

trainee life: Trainee life was nothing like HanBi had expected it to be. It was crazy and fun most of the time, but sometimes she would lie there crying at night because she was homesick and it was so ridiculously hard. often hurt from perfecting high notes, which was her biggest problem. Other than that, she met loads of new people and a few idols as well, including D.O, who she hadn't seen in years.


 i'm genie for you, boy

comments: So yeah. Good luck with your story! I like the layout, it's real sweet c: Oh and, don't you think D.O and Lee Eun Jin look like owls? I do .u. /smacked hard. Oh! And, you could write about popular variety shows and Idol Olympics o u o ( cough cough Poppy's a legend at archery cough cough /slapped. )

scene request: uh...Hanbi and Kyungsoo are in a sweet shop and he's trying to persuade her to try some sweets but she won't. He buys a bag full and eats one, saying that it tastes really nice. She peeks at him, wondering if it actually does. Then he does that cheesy 'say aaaaah~' thing in a real cute way and Hanbi finally relents.

Is that okay? o u o;

password: gosh, so much to choose from...EXID's 'Every Night' ; KARA's 'Pandora' ; 4minute's 'Volume Up' and 'Hot Issue'


too many? ||D







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