99 Facts About Me - Taken From -milkuumin

1. Real name: Eli Knicole Corpuz

2. Nickname(s): Nikki, Knicole, Niknik, Jiji, I.Z.

3. Zodiac sign: Pisces

4. Male or female: Female

5. Elementary school: Studied in the Philippines

7. College: ------

8. Hair color: Blackish brown

9. Tall or short: Tall T^T

10. Im or e-mail: E-mail

11. Sweats or jeans: Whichever(though, I prefer sweats)

13. Health freak: Nope

14. Orange or apple: Apple

15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: For celebrities, of course. Real life, I'm still really confused T^T

16. Eat or drink: Depends

17. Piercings: Earrings

18. Pepsi or coke: Coke

19. Been in an airplane: Twice

20. Been in a relationship: In my dreams, but in real life, too young >.<

21. Been in a car accident: Nah

22. Been in a fist fight: Nah, but in Taekwondo, kicking

23. First piercing: Already had one since I was a baby, but it closed so I had another one last year(2012)

24. Current best friend(s): I have many friends, but my bestest friends are: Iyah, Neomie, Maxine and Alondra

25. First award: Maybe when I was 5 or 6?

26. First crush: I don't remember when, but I had a silly crush on Billy Crawford when I was a kid... But for non-celebrities, when I started nursery in the Philippines

27. Firstword: Don't know, don't care XD

28. Last person you talked to in person: My Grandma

29. Last person you texted: My mom

30. Last person you watched a movie with: My mom(love ya, mom)

31. Last movie you watched: Hunger Games :)

32. Last song you listened to: She's Back by Infinite

33. Last thing you bought: Wintermelon Milktea(yum!)

34. Last person you hugged: My mom

35. Favorite food: Chicken :3

36. Favorite drink: Wintermelon milktea, iced tea

37. Bottoms: What?

38. Flower: Violets and tulips

39. Animal: Dogs!

40. Color: Anything dark, dark blue, dark yellow, etc. But mostly black and dark green :)

41. Favorite movie: Pitch Perfect

42. Favorite subject: English


have you ever: (put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. [X] gotten baptized.

44. [X] celebrated halloween.

45. [X] had your heart broken. (Many, many times)

46. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

47. [] had someone question your ual orientation.

48. [] got pregnant. 

49. [] had an abortion.

50. [X] did something you regret.

51. [X] broke a promise.

52. [X] hid a secret.

53. [X] pretended to be happy.

54. [X] met someone who changed your life.

55. [X] pretended to be sick.

56. [] left the country.

57. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. [X] cried over the silliest thing. ---> such as movie yes!!

59. [] ran a mile.

60. [X] went to the beach with your best friend.

61. [X] got into an argument with your friends.

62. [X] hated someone.

63. [X] stayed single for a whole year. (for the whole 12 years of my life haha)



64. Eating: Nothing

65. Drinking: Nothing XD

66. Listening to: The T.V. XD

67. Sitting/laying: I'm on my stomach on the bed

68. Plans for today: Maybe sleep?

69. Waiting for: EXO's comeback, and the time I will meet my idols XD


your future:

70. Want kids: Yep!

71. Want to get married: Duh

72. Career: Singer, actress, dancer and maybe ulzzang? *^* Go to korea


which one in a significant other:

73. Lips or eyes: Eyes

74. Shorter or taller: Taller

75. Romantic or spontaneous: A bit of both XD

76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship XD

77. Looks or personality: Personality


have you ever:

78. Lost glasses/contacts: No

79. Snuck out of the house: Yep

80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: Nah, I'd use my Taekwondo skills... And maybe a gun XD

81. Killed somebody: NO!

82. Broken someone's heart: When I said I didn't like him back, it happened when I was in the second grade XD

83. Cried when someone died: Yeah


do you believe in:

84. Yourself: Sometimes I doubt myself

85. Miracles: Yeah

86. Love at first sight: Yesh

87. Heaven: If I believe in God, then I believe in heaven *^*

88. Santa claus: When I was a child

89. Sex on the first date?: NEVER. Only on marriage

90. Kiss on the first date: Yep

91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Duh, a lot

92. Do you know who your real friends are: YEP

93. Do you believe in god: Definitely

94. Post as 100 truths?: Yeah



95. Quote a famous person: Life is too short, live it to the fullest

96. Say something funny: Yeah I can say something funny because I'm all rainbows and I scatter glitters all over the earth. NOT.

97. Laugh at yourself: Just did

98. Last message: I LOVE KPOP

99. A picture of you: Nah...


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Its fun doing things like this XD