"Sis, would you play with me?" The little girl outstretched her hand with a mini comb in it.

The older scoffed and shoved her away lightly, sending a clear message across.

"Stop disturbing me and play over there." Jessica growled.

Krystal pouted and batted her eyelids. Jessica glared at the younger who eventually scurried away. Sitting at the corner designated by her elder sister, she began combing the hair of Sandra. It was Jessica who gave the barbie its name. Krystal thought she miss those times when the two would sit together and play all day long.  Krystal didn't understand why her sister find everything she did irritating nowadays. She didn't understand why she refuse to play with her anymore. She didn't know what Jessica found so fascinating about the computer which she refuses to let her touch. She didn't understand why she hated her wearing the same hair tie, same dress and same shoes too.

"Stop copying me! You're so childish!", she recalled her saying that.

Krystal still don't understand why Jessica refuses to wave back to her in school.

"Am I really that irritating?" she mumbled to Sandra, her only companion.

"Yes, you are." came a reply from behind.

Silent tears fell from the little girl's eyes.


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It happened to me when I was small.. my mum would buy the same dresses for my sis and I. . But she refuses to wear it.. now she takes my clothes and wear it.. she even makes me wear the same type of clothes. . Miss her ♥♥♥♥