Wall Advertisement

I'm thinking about doing wall advertisement for one of my ff.

Does wall ads really work?

Do you find them annoying or welcoming?



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From my point, I'm okay with that idea since your motive's only to promote your fic^^. We(readers) r here because we want to read some fics, ryt? You just suggest them to read yours not insist. If the wall owners don't like it they could just ignore it tbh..
Actually I always check on every fic advertisements in my wall except roleplay lol
Mr_Koala #2
No it's not annoying to me. I appreciate that people take the time to search for people who are interested and promote their story that way, I find them very admirable - as not many people do this.
Anyways good luck ^^
Tbh, I never look at the advertisements. I just find them plain annoying. I had one ad that didn't even make much sense, once :/
But, I'm sure a few people read them :)
Brigi_monster #4
It works pretty decently
hoenstly? depending on how i feel. im happy with fanfics, but with roleplays, i feel like killing myself..