13: Favorite color? 14:Weirdest dream you ever had? 15:what into kpop? 16:relationship? 17:Lamest excuse you ever made to get out of class? 18: School reputation? (Goody to shoes, bully, dealer NOT DRUGS,) 19:Crushes name? 20: 11 people you think are weirder than you when you fangirl?


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13) red 14) too many... 15) kdrama 16) not now :) 17) toilet...? 18) somebody who's gone nuts or someone who's really quiet 19)this would be so embarrassing 20)my best friends :) that would be more than 11 then
CallMehhBubz #2
13.) Purple

14.) It was about Me going to SS4 and then Eunhyuk looked dead at me and waved and I fainted... So like when I woke up I was in a Hospital bed and he was there in the chair next to the bed, and I asked him why he was there and not on tour and he said that I fainted on his wacth so he wanted to take care of me then he kissed me... But then I woke up :(

15.) I was on YouTube around 2009 and I saw a Chonny video called 'Sorry Sorry Parody' and I like the song so I looked up more and sorta listened to it and then around 2011 I was in love :) (But my mom says Addicted *rolls eyes*) ANYWAYS!!

16.) Single .-.

17.) I'll say I need to go to the bathroom and make Vomit noises and then go back to class all like I just threw up..

18.)The-Awesome-Unicorn-with-ADD that-always-forgets-to-take-her-Medicine-so-she-says-Random-things-alot-and-has-a lot-of-Cute-clothes ( No, I am not bragging I was told that by a lot of people... And yes I am the schools Unicorn like my best friend is the schools Poptart and two of my best guys friend is a Gummy Bear and a Pegasis..)

19.) I don't have one... So uhm LEE HYUKJAE!! XD

20.) NO ONE can Top meh~
13. Purple
14. One where I was somehow friends with Jongjin (Yesung's brother) and Yesung was flirting with me.
15. My friend and I listened to Mr. Taxi by SNSD
16. Single!
17. My period...
18. Quiet girl
19. Don't have one at the moment
20. My friend Amy :)
13) Red
14) Don't remember any of my dreams... :(
15) I saw that youtube recommended snsd's mv Genie. I watched it and fell in love with the Kpop world :)
16)Dating a very sweet guy who does not think my Kpop addiction is weird :)
17)Never have made an excuse...
18) Goody to shoes :)
19) My crush is my boyfriend Seth :)
20) My best friends Kyra and Danielle (they are absolutely in love with EXO, everyday they fangirl over them.... it gets really tiring)
13) Blue
14) I had an endless Biology class and... my teacher was a bear in a suit....
15) Youtube. Searched up Dubstep and somehow ended up at Tern Top.
16) Married to my Kindle.
17) "Um... my friend is having an annurism. I have to go and help her... calm herself.
18) Spazzy child with puffy hair.
19) Andrew~
20) ..... absolutely no one. Except you. *cheeky grin*
13: Lime Green

14: My family and I lived on a farm as hillbillies and we made our living selling microscopic chickens for a quarter apiece.

15: My dad came across Girls Generation on accident one day a few years back and I was immediately hooked.

16: Single

17: I've never ditched class before, so...

18: The friendly, overly happy band nerd that always seems like she's on crack (I'm always laughing at the smallest things and I'm extremely loud)

19: Hmm, which one? Pretty much anyone from SuJu, EXO, TVXQ!, SHINee, U-KISS, MBLAQ, or SS501. (:

20: My morails K-Ann and Julianna :D
13. Blue
14. Aliens attacking Earth
15. My ex best friend
16. Married
17. Never used a lame excuse.
18. Kpop lover
19. NA. I don't have a crush. I have my hubby
20. My entire dA family xD