Eyes of the Eagles - they See Everything!

This blog doesn't differ that much from those 'eyes of the eagles' I'm about to talk about. So maybe, just maybe, it's better to put up a disclaimer: this blog does not follow a certain person's moves and does not criticize a certain person's words! So don't come running to me, saying that I'm picking on X or Y, alright? These are just the things my 'eagle eye' has picked up in almost two years of being around AFF and not only!

Clear? Alright then, should we proceed?

First of all, you may all wonder what's up with this 'eyes of the eagles' syntagma I've used more than once in just three lines. They're people. So, we've got that straight out. And if they're people, with feelings and all the turmoil of hormones so on and so forth, they have flaws as well - do they? Well, apparently, they don't think so. Maybe because they're the only child in real life, maybe because everyone praises them in real life, maybe because they managed to pull better strings than others in real life - let me break it to you people, this is not the real world where actual people get attacked every single glorious day or where girl get and pregnant afterwards, where gangs meet up to pick a fight; no, this is not the real world we all live in, but a kind environment (like the artificial ones we see in movies when the soldiers prepare for the real thing, with the holograms and the shootings) we can use in order to develop ourselves. The question is, what do we chose to develop?

  1. The Critical Spirit - alright, this one might seem fair enough in a place where you know almost nobody from real life; but is it really alright to criticize everything you come upon? I get it, I get it - so, you're practical transforming into one of those almighty teacher we all wished to push towards a black hole during out school years ( !I'm strictly referring to those who criticize the writing of other people !) Let me as you one single question? Are you perfect? You might be perfect in your small world, but are you really perfect in everything you're doing? 'Cause you're only human and even you are full of flaws; you think your writing is perfect? Your grammar? Your use of vocabulary? Please, before bragging, turn to someone who actually has the needed studies to say that.
  2. The Sense of Justice - I think this is one of those full course packages you get when you in vacation abroad... Really now, I don't get how people develop such a strong sense of justice in the virtual environment when in reality, they wouldn't budge to help someone who's about to be shot or or stolen! I understand that the need to press that 'Report' button is demanding from the inside of your head, that you just can not help fill in the fields of pointing fingers at a certain someone, but do you have the right? Do you? Really? Most of the times you're not even a reader, but merely a passerby... yeah, you're definitely trying to ruin someone and you're picking on those who have the fault of falling into the trap of picking up all/some ideas from popular books/movies/mangas. 
  3. The Power - it's easy to sit on a chair behind a screen and furiously type, ranting about everything you've seen around the Internet, isn't it? How about actually go to those who you find faulty and tell them straight what your problem is? What? You're scared? It's better to abuse the power of anonymity than actually go and talk to people, I get that.
  4. The Vicious Pleasure of Ranting - you saw it, hurry up and open a new tab to put everything down in a blog post (not like this one please, don't be a copy cat) and tell the world just how good you are (note: this doesn't include ranting on real life events, personal experience from real life etc.; strictly about the Internet)

And there are other things that get to develop while being a member of an online community. I won't pick on those because the ones above are the thorns that get to hurt other members of the same community.

Alright, so we put down the flaws, the things these 'eyes of the eagles' do most of the times. But who are they? I'll take the liberty of putting them down on categories:

  • Eyes of the Eagles on Facebook - they are the users who laugh at you friending people you haven't met in real life and keep pointing out that your list is full of people you never got to meet; wake up slap? Their list has more than one thousand friends, from which they actually know less than half. They are those users who complain about the usage of English in status (personal experience) and the faulty grammar used when writing in the mother language. Wake up slap? Most pf their statuses are in English and the other ones have more than one grammar mistake. 
  • Eyes of the Eagles on Twitter - they are the users who laughed at you for twitting to an idol. But if you search in their history, they have twitted and re-twitted to more than just one idol.
  • Eyes of the Eagles on AFF - now these ones are quite funny! They are those who have 'powerful friends' with countless stories up-voted just for the title and still taking the liberty of pointing fingers to those writers who politely ask their readers to kindly up-vote their stories. They are those popular writers who create a new story almost every single week and still point fingers to those whose incomplete story number surpasses 20. They are those users who point fingers at faulty grammar just because they're native English speakers (hello??? we weren't all born in an English speaking country!), the ones who say that they won't accept any friend request they receive and in fact they have like 8,546,241,264,542...friends in their list. They're those who complain about who got the most up-voted and got featured when they themselves have been featured once or more.

Woah, it feels good to be The Eyes of the Eagle! But just for today...

And so what she/he/they asked their readers to up-vote? Does it affect you personally? Does it steal from your up-votes? Does it make your readers stop reading your stories? Your followers stop following you? I don't think so. It's just that they all want to be acknowledged at a certain point. So why not? In the end, they're the ones losing the respect of the others, not you.

No, really people now, stop doing these things in public, alright? 'Cause no matter how good you feel after doing it, it actually hurts people. Have a problem? Go settle it down with that certain user. It's only human.


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Sorry but for some reason I couldn't help but reading - so don't ask me why. I was wondering, though, what's the purpose of this blog post? You're complaining about the people who criticize others, but you're doing the same. You complain about people who are ranting about things in their blog posts but isn't this what you've done just now? I don't know why, it may not seem like it to you, but you yourself are not an exception. You do those things too, so who are you to criticize those who do? You complained about people who criticize others and said they're not perfect. Well, are you? Mmmno. So don't criticize either, neh?

You said this blog post wasn't about a certain person, but I couldn't help but take it personally since you've ranted about the conversation we've had yesterday in the first paragraph.

They say, in psychology, that the faults we find in others are usually flaws we have but don't see. So follow your own advice and carefully look at yourself before criticizing.

If I criticize someone for their writing or their grammar, it's because I'm obviously good enough to detect their mistakes. Nobody criticizes people who are better than them or their equal, but you're no better than the people you criticize. It's like seeing a drug-addict laugh at an alcoholic person. :)