Girls Club - School Certificate Of [Lydia Jang]


Jang, Lydia
[Tamikq1234 | Tami | 7].        
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About Me
sweet cream cream, you're sugar cream        
Character Name: English: Lydia Jang || Korean: Jang Haneul
Nicknames: Neul: called by my parent because they thinks its cute. || Lyn: called by my brother as a pet name of my English name. || Jang-nim: called by P.O because I call him Pyo-nim.
Age & Date Of Birth: 17; August 09, 1995
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Brisbane, Australia
Languages: English ; Fluent, Korean; Semi-fluent 
Basic Appearance: 
I am tall for an average asian female. I have never ending long legs that can be hassle. I have an average body, not to fat not to thin. I have long natural, straight, dark brown hair that flows pass my mid-back. I have brown eyes color but i tend to wear colored contact because I need glasses. I have a pale  skin complexion that can easily get sun-burn if i stay in the sun for to long.
Fashion Style: 
I don't like clothes that are to revealing but short are fine and if I do wear tank tops i would have some sort of shirt over it. I absolutely adores graphic tee shirts with different cartoon characters, pictures or patterns. I love wear killer heels and would occasionally wear sneakers. I do also like to wear flats and sandals as well.  Also i like wear hats of all kind snapback, fitted cap, beanies, you name it. 
Casual: one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
Formal: one | two | three | four
Lazy Days: one | two | three | four | five
Speacial Features: nope.
Ulzzang: Park Sora
Pics/Gallery: one | two | three
Back Up Ulzzang: Mirae 
Pics/Gallery: one | two | three 
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Gettin' Serious
i keep thinking about you.        
Persona > The Abusive Tomboy
Let's start with my flaws. I am a very stubborn person, I refuse to listen to other 'non-sense' and always believe I'm right.  Unlike most girls in my school i have a very violent and obnoxious nature. Sometime my honesty and bluntness can cause people to dislike me or get hurt. I didn't mean to offend them though. I'm a worrywart and worries over the darnest thing. I'm prone to accidents and always end up hurt myself which worry my love ones.  I have a short temper and tend to get mad easily, especially with the Queekas who is testing my patients. I don't take any kind BS from anyone. So never turn out well and with my smart mouth nothing will ever be peaceful. 
Other than my flaws I am a very easy going person. I sometimes play deaf-ear and ignore hateful comments that are flying towards me unless they really cross the line. I'm an adventurous girl who enjoy doing different things even if it means I'm risking my life, but I refuse to do drugs. I get very playful and like to pull pranks on my friends, but not to much where I'm hurting them. I'm very outgoing and very talkative. So it was easy for to make many friends at school. I also am very protective of those who I call friends and family. I would risk my life protective with the best of my abilities. I like helping those who are in need and a very good listener. so if you need some advice and a 'personal therapist', you know who to find. I don't usually starts the fights but is always being point as the one who initiate it.
For odds reasons boys find more comfort in me as a friend and 'one of the boys' than other girls. Evolving me having many guy friend. I myself don't like hang out with much girls since they are to dramatic, yes I know I'm a girl but I mean I'm not that dramatic. I don't like other pitying me or worry about me so I tend to keep my feelings to myself. Without admitting it, I am a very soft hearted person. I tend to forgive and forget easily unless what you done have really hurts me.  
Likes >
1) Singing; like her brother she have a great voice and enjoy singing since its her way of expressing herself.
2) Sports; she likes to constantly be active.
3) Kids; they are her soft spot and she thinks they are to cute to ignore.
4) Coffee; beside the fact she works at cafe, she is oddly addicted to them.
5) Teddy Bears; she likes cutesy thing and she still have her inner childless. 
6) Foods; she seem to always be hungry.
7) Sleeping; she can possibly sleep all day.
1) Studying; she's fall asleep everytime she study though she still maintains good grades.
2) Queekas; to dramatic and they are a bunch of bullies.
3) Bugs; even she is strong she still screams when she sees any kind of bugs.
4) Drama; to hectic.
5) Being wrongly accused.
6) The dark.
1) Running
2) Basketball
3) Boxing


1) Crying when she's alone.

2) Biting her nails when she's nervous.

3) Singing when alone.

Nyctophobia; fear of the dark. Since had this phobia since a child.
Ideal Men > I like a guy who's looks is deceiving? I like guys who look cold and cool on the outside but on the inside he's a dorky and playful person. A guy who is therefore for me even when i push him away and there to wipe away my tears.
1) Though she is known as a trouble maker and the little devil of Cherry Blossom High School, she is the top five student of the school standing in 4th place.
2) Because she have many guy friends, she is view differen in people eyes.
3) She moved to Korea during her second to last year of middle school. (7/8) 
4) Her brother is an idol but no one knows that. -shhh- ;)
5) Look mature for her age.
6) She still believe in monsters and ghosts. 
7) I have a bitish accent. 
8) Currently going out with Daehyun, who is my first boyfriend.
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you are my sweet dreaming.        
Father | Jang Hyunseung | 50 | Oct. 05 | An architect.  | Appa is a very protective father and would to keep his daughter away from boys as long as possible. He is one of those embarrassing father but is very cute at the same time (only in front of his family.). He's the one to be there to wipe off my tears and get rid of my pains. He live life to the fullest and likes to enjoy every minutes of it. He makes up the darnest stories to only bring a smile on my and oppa faces and do the sweetest things to keep my umma heart.  | 4 
Mother | Kwak Hana | 43 | Jan. 27 | Own a client | Umma is like of us teens. She acts like one and talks like one. She knows all the trick in the books so me and oppa always have hard time lying to her. She is a adventurous person and likes to do the impossible. She a very caring mother who is always here to support her children mentally and physically.  She give good advices and is always there if I needed someone to talk to. | 5
Brother | Jang Hanbyul | 23 | Idol -LEDApple | Oppa is a weirdo but i still love him. He is very playful, like me, and love to joke around. He the good child of the house while me the troublemaker. Oppa was always there for me when i needed him the most, when I'm crying to myself or lonely he is there to make my frown turn upside down. He is very protective, more than appa, to the point he'll probably stalk if he have to. He knows the right thing to say and the right thing to do. HE's caring towards everyone even strangers. | 5
Pyo Jihoon| 19 | April 28 | Senior. |  We met through Myungsoo, who had introduce me to most of his friends, and later became good friends. He likes to be called P.O. but I like to call him Pyo-nim. We hang out a lot, Oppa likes to bring me to a lot of places and I have met Block B. who is my friends now.| Good friend | 4 
Among the girls: 
I get along with girls who are easy going and have a good sense of humor. I adore cute who act cute,, but please no suger-coders. I likes motherly type of unnies but i find them funny but adorable. No meanies or bullies or annoy girls who whines all day, everyday. Maybe a quite sweetheart, so i can find my way to break through her with my weirdness. 
Growing up in Australia with my parents  and older brother was the time of my life, that was until my father's job required us to moved back to Seoul when I was 13. Life was hard in Korea., my Korean speaking skills wasn't that great, my knowledge of the area was a fiasco and the amount of bullying i went was horrible. Everyday i come with bruises from fights and dirty clothes from all the pranks those fools pulled on me. That was middle school days, after entering high school i met better people and friends. Though there were Queekas, I didn't back off and give them a piece of my mind. As I kids I have always been  smart kid and was always awarded, so it wasn't a surprise how well i did in high school even though I was labeled as a 'bad student'. I guess after all those years of  being bullied grew to be a stronger person and know how to stand up for myself and later was known as the 'living nightmare of Cherry blossom high. I skipped class, sleep in class, get into fights, and  have arguments at teachers who i personally believe to be doing a horrible job,. My parents seem to be coming to school alot and having a talk with the principle but nothing big, the principle once stated that he would've kicked me out if it wasn't for my grades.
My oppa was is an idol but I kept that fact a secret, because once that news comes out hello fake friends. I like it if people befriends me for me and not because I'm some idol's sister.  I grew up being the youngest and tend to be babyed by both my parent and brother. They get very protective especially my appa and oppa. The moment they hear about boys they already on heads about who the boy is, what does he do for a living, when did this happen, where does he live, and why him. Umma on the hand is like my bestfriend.  She knows everything that's is happening in my life , all the secret, and all the gossips. It fun to at least some sane in this family. 
I work at a cute cafe down the street from school called Dreams Cafe.  Her family live in a traditional  korean houseis her family is financially stable. 

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Love. Love. Love.
i keep thinking about you.        
One And Only
Woo Jiho | 20 | Sep. 14 | Seoul 
Persona > The Campus Clown
Zico is a hot temper boy but is very sweet when he's calm. Zico is the type of guy you never want to mess with because once you wrong him once, you're done for. He the type of guy who do pay-backs. Hs is very playful and like to pull pranks on people. He a major clown and do a lot of funny things, that's why he is known  as the campus clown. He is very loud and it can give you a big headache. Zico can be an understanding person and is very easy to talk to. He like to 'sweet talk' with girls, but is a total fail I tell you. 
He have an easy-going person and likes to go with the flow, but sometimes he get uptight with himself. When he surrounding around by a big crowd he tend to be a little stiff. He very humble, so though he a walking god in front of girls in our school and campus he would still do thing to embarrass himself or never really acknowledge compliments being thrown at him.
Grade/Semester/Occupation > College; Majoring in Music.
Extracurricular Activities
1) Basketball Team
2) Band >Guitar<
Ideal Type > An independent women who is well of by herself. 
We met a few times through P.O. He and Kyung likes to sweet talk to me but always recieved a cold shoulder. The first time Zico was able to put a smile on my face was when he talking to me but had tripped and fell into a fountain of water. Ever since then we became closer in a way. He would tease me while I would hit him. 
Trivia >
1) Accident prone.
2) Kyung grease is rubbing off on him.
3) Known Kyung since elementary days. 
4) Obsess with Hello Kitty.
5) Have an older brother.
6) Kyung is his best friend. 
7) He had quite a few girlfriend, maybe pass 2 base? 0.0
Jung Daehyun | 19| Birthdate | Birthplace ]
Persona > The Masked Prince Charming
Daehyun was a quite guy went I first met him. He doesn't interact much with people or so it seem. I seen him once with Zelo and their friends, B.A.P was what they called themselves. Yet he have a mischevious nature and tend to get himself in trouble. He gets very playful when he feels comfortable with you. 
He is very stubborn and its hard to change his mind on things. When he is around people of his liking  he gets very outgoing and loud. He is very brave, but is very weak when it comes to rollercoaster though. He have a good sense of humor and can bring a smile to face it easily. 
Grade/Semester/OccupationCollege; Majoring in  music.
Extracurricular Activities
1) Music
Ideal TypeHe likes girls who have a sweet image. Also he likes girls who is both skilled in performing arts and educations.
Interactions > They are what you call 'Polar Opposites', she the 'Bad Girl' and he's the 'Nice Guy'. He likes to distant himself because everything about spells troubles. But they eventually gets use to each presence.
1) He likes to wear his mask even on campus.
2) A very good singer.
3) Part of B.A.P.
4) Have an older brother.
5) Youngjae is his best friends. 
6) His rival is Zico who is one of my close friend and former cursh.
7) Never had a girlfriend before.
Choi Junhong | 16| OCt. 15 |
Persona > The Adorable Robot
Zelo he is a very clueless boy and always seem to be oblivious to his surroundings. He always have a very cheerful and happy nature because he always seem to be happy when he comes to class. He seem caring towards his friends and is always playful around them. He is very loud and he always get yelled at by the teachers. He also is very shy when it comes to girls but surprisingly holds up well when he is around me.  He is very childish compare to me and is very hyper. 
But due to him going through purity, his temper has been all over the place. He tend to get mad about everything and come to use violent sometimes. He  have a lot of ups and downs and tend to get depress on some days. He too hides his feeling and let no one know of it. He used alot of aegyo to get what he wants and determine to get it. 
Grade/Semester/Occupation > 10 grade
Extracurricular Activities
1) Basketball Team
2) Dacne Team
3) Soccer Team
Ideal TypeA girl is strong in areas he is weak in and girls who speak English.  
We met a few times a school, i thought he was adorable. We only bow and greet each other with a simple hello.
Trivia >
1) He skateboard.
2) He is freakishly tall and possibly still growing. 
3) Wants to learn English.
4) Always acts like a robot.
5) Is very good at dancing and rapping.
6) Part of B.A.P.
7) Jongup is his best friend.
8) Never had a girlfriend before. 

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High School & Nothing's New
i don't want to loose you.        
Image at school/School Persona > The Living Nightmare
Grade > 11 grade
Favorite subject(s)> Science
Best subject > Science
Subject(s) you dislike & that you at > Literture | Math 
Extracurricular activities >
1) Choir
2) Track and Field 
3) Girls Basketball team
4) Band >Piano<
How do you wear your uniform?  > When where my uniform I like to keep it net and chic. I always wear shorts under my skirt for safe keeping. I don't like tucking in my shirts so I leave it out. I like having a blazer or a sweater over my uniform no matter what the weather is. For my hair I usually tie it up in a pony when I'm in school and leave my hair out when I'm home.
What about your future? > A psychiatrist for kids and teens.
Anything else? > Working a cute cafe shop 5 minutes away from school. 
So tell me what's your secret? > My brother is an idol and he's the part of LedApple, Jang Hanbyul. Myungsoo knows about it. 
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The "L" word

How do you treat Myungsoo? > I treat Oppa like my own brother. He was always there for me when I need him so I'm always there for him. I like to with ever chance I get and likes to make him give me a piggy back ride. 
Is there something only he does know about you? > Only he know my true self as a sweet and soft hearted girl and that Hanbyul Oppa is an idol.  Though I only known Oppa since freshmen year, I know I can trust him with my life.
How did you guys met? > We met in school I was having trouble find classes during mine freshmen years and couldn't speak Korean well and he helped me though his English is great but in conversational. 
How does he treat your love interests/does he get along with them? > My love interest tend be very jealous with oppa, but still they both shared a brotherly kind of relationship.


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Class dismissed.
i hope we meet again one day.❞
Comments: I changed my mine on the backgroud. :) I hope you like it and please do let me know if i need to fix and add something. :) 
(Scene) Requests: 
Password: (one) (of) (a) (kind)
layout credit to joanne200969 @ f a l l e n angel. do not steal.



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