Play Your Part, It's Time For ART!!!! XD

Time for art class~~~!!!  NOOOOO!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!
Ok I have to be honest, when I took art in my freshman year, it was easy. So I thought to myself: "Hey, I should take art intro in my sophomore year, it'd be fun." Boy was I WRONG. Art intro is hella hard!
I have this class with my friends Jalinne (2Tired2BeNarcoleptic) and Sam (CAPS4SAMMEH) (Heather's (Hiseu102) not there cuz she took honors english! XP). I'd say the best projects we did so far were the...Cityscape (drawing of a 3D city) and our Mandala (some ceremonial circle thing that we destroyed in the end. OUR WAS THE BEST!! GO ELEMENTS!! XD).
Honestly, I don't really like taking Art RIGHT after my longest and first block of the day, which is Physics but I'm not gonna get into that now, cuz, I'm not a morning person, so I tend to glare at anything in my path until lunch, which is right after Art so that makes me happy.
Sometimes, the projects my teacher gives us is just plain unreasonable. The most ridiculous project we had to do is DRAW LEAVES. And this DID NOT work for me since I shade HORRIBLY.
But there are some fun/funny parts of the class. For example, Jalinne's typical "Nooooo Mrs. Abrams~!!" is hilarious. Everytime our teacher tells us to do something, Jalinne says that. Even in other classes she says it. Its pretty funny. She even said it to our American History teacher before. AND another reason its funny, is because the table next to ours, they ALWAYS argue over something STUPID, like who ideas were whos. They always curse too and that's not fun since I don't really like to curse XP, did I mention that they're the loudest in our class? That's what makes the class annoying. That and the unreasonable projects.
Ok! I'm done for the day! And my ranting has bored you hasn't it???? Haha well anyway SAYONARA~~~~!!!!
Until next time,


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