About the fabulous meh lolno (stolen from aegyodragon)



Name Lai
Gender Gay (female, according to them)
Age I'm 69 years old.
Screen Name Fabulais
Birthday February 14. Yes. uh-huh.
Race I'm a FilAm. Half-filipino, half-amazing.
School/Grade 8th grade.
Job Being a erted leader who stans 35353452 groups
Status eh.
Hometown Manila
Current Town N.V.
Parents Still Together? Yea.
Siblings Yeah. one.
Pets My sister. Her name's lianne.
Smoker I wish.
Drinker I wish.. but no too.
Uh.. yes?
Orientation wut
Hair Color Dark brown/black
Is It Dyed? No.
Eye Color Brownish black lol
Height 166 cm
Style Big shirt and jeans
Glasses/Contacts/None? none. i think im gonna have glasses in the future. ;;
Freckles Uh none.
Body Type What.
Shoe Size 9. loljk. I dont know.
Piercings eh.. ears? loljk.
Want More? yeah.. tongue. jk.
Tattoos? i wish
Want More? ...
Braces? Had.
Overall Best Feature: nothing. sorry.
Overall Worst Feature: every part.
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad? Dad.
Favorite Color black, purple, and now red :)
Worst Color er.. i dont know. yellow?
Favorite Number 9
Favorite Animal Pandas
Least Favorite Animal ... ostriches
Favorite Flower sooyoung's (if you know what i mean)
Favorite Food pastas and desserts
Worst Food uh.. i think it's bitter gourds
Favorite Junk Food all i guess. e aji 
Worst Junk Food dunno
Favorite Restaraunt seafood reastaurants and bakeries and dsfsdfsdf
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor cookies and cream & vanilla
Favorite Candy mentos.lol.jk.ilike ehm.. potchi.
Favorite Alcoholic Drink cali
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink water and milk yes im a cow jkjk
Worst Alcoholic Drink i dont know
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink i dont know
Favorite Genre of Music Kpop
Worst Genre i dont know i like music so i appreciate everything haha
Favorite Band/Artist EXO, BAP and MIB atm (VIXX also)
Worst Band/Artist Why would I hate one? ...
Favorite Song nod Along by M.I.B
Worst Song ... seriously
Favorite Radio Station None
Favorite Book Sherlock Holmes Book I and II. Also Rick Riordan Books.
Worst Book Nothing. I guess.
Favorite Type of Movie Comedy, Romace, Horror
Worst Type of Movie ... Action?
Favorite Movie Three Idiots and heavenly forest and The Miracle of Givng fool
Worst Movie Ever  ... movies which doesnt make any effing sense
Favorite TV Show uh.. 
Worst TV Show Ah..
Favorite Season of the Year Winter. loljk. Seasons with school breaks.
Worst Season None
Best Friend DM, Kei, A.Dee
Worst Enemy ... uh.. none atm. except the person who plagiarized my story. .
Favorite Day of the Week Saturday.
Least Favorite Day of the Week Monday.
Favorite Sport volleyball
Sport You Hate ... uh, none?
One thing you can't get enough of KPOP
One thing you hate more than anything Try hards. ;)
Are You Single? Married
If not, who is your bf/gf? HusbandS you mean? .. Luhan, Tao, sehun, Suho and Jongup hehe
How Long Have You Been Together? Since then.
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now? Yeap.
Ever Kiss in the Rain? No.. ._. (got more sensitive after the last question)
In a Movie Theater? NO.
Underwater? NOOOO.
First Love Migi. I hate to admit it but yes.
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone? Uh.. No?
Been Cheated on? Luhan and Sehun cheat on me with each other. .
Used Someone? No. Why would I.
Been used? Yes.
Lied to your bf/gf? No..
Ever Made out With Just a Friend? Ugh. no.
Do you Flirt a Lot? yes. to my poster
Longest Relationship does friendship count?
Shortest None
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem? I guess..?
Ever Get Flowers? lol..
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight? No. It'd be just plain attraction.. or crush. or .
Do you Believe in "The One"? Yeah.
Do you Fall in Love Fast? Uh.. I guess.
Ever cried over someone of the opposite ? Yes
Ever Been Dumped? I guess
Ever dumped someone? ...
Ever been rejected? Always.
Ever dated someone more than once? No.
Do you ever make the first move? no. wth.
Double dates or single? ..
Do you want to get married? I'm married.
Hair Color Black or brown. I want it dark.
Short or long? not TOO short, not TOO long.
Eye color? Brown, dark or red. lol.
Style ... cool? lol.
Age older
Height taller
Weight uh.. same? XD
Muscular or skinny? not too muscular. ew.
Boxers or Briefs? boxers..?
Do you care about looks? not really. believe me, ive seen every derp faces of them.
Can you drive? No.. I wish.
Do you have a car? I wish.
Do you have a cell phone? Yea.
Are you online a lot? Yea.
Can you speak another language? Yea..
Do you do well in school? No. I'm dumb.
Do you collect anything? Uh.. I dont know. Pics? Haha.
Have an obsession? Kpop.
Do you hate yourself? Yes
Ever smile for no reason? No.
Talk to yourself? No. 
Do you have any regrets? Everything.
Believe in magic? No.
Do you support gay marriage? Yes. coz I'm gay.
before marriage? No, dude, respect the lady.
Do you trust people easily? Yes.. that's what hurts.
Forgive easily? Yes.. even if it isnt easy, i had to.
Do you have a secret no one knows? nothing. I said it all to her.
Do you get along with your parents? Nope. Nope.
What about other people? No. I'm a snob, and a cold girl. Im only nice to people i care about.
How do you vent your anger? I type .
Do you like George Bush? Who's that? jk jk. no. why would i
Goal Before you die? I want to at least be with my group for the whole time and i want them to be completely honest with me.. :(
Biggest Fear Clowns.
Biggest Weakness Rejection.
Do you play an instrument? You can say that.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Lawyer.
Are you...
A daydreamer? Yes
Shy? Yeah. when it comes to people I dont care about.
Talkative? I think so. but my family says otherwise.
Energetic? depends.
Happy? no. honestly, no. never been completely happy.
Depressed? I guess.. when your 'best friend' keeps on hiding from you, wont you get depressed?
Funny? no.
Boring? of course..
Mean? super.
Nice? no.
Caring? depends.
Trustworthy? no. nobody trusts me anyway. haha.
Confident? Nope.
Friendly? I guess.
Smart? No.
Sarcastic? Always..
Dependable? Naah.
Quiet? Hah. Yes. jk.
Weird? Of course. 
Adaptable? They said.
Strong (emotionally)? No.. Honestly, I tried.
Strong (physically)? I guess.
Mature? I guess.
Logical? Yea..? jk. idk.
Religious? I pray a lot..
Modest? No.
Indesicive? No.
Sympathetic? ...
Polite? depends
Creative? No. I'm dumb. Haha.
Fun to be around? No.
Loveable? I wish.
Easily Amused? Nope. I have high standards loljk.
Outgoing? I guess.
Daring? Sometimes
Clumsy? Yes
Nosy? Yeah. Sorry about that. I thought we were close.
Lazy? Yes
Scary? Yeah. Look into ma eyes.
Optimistic? No.
Persuasive? dafuq do i kno.
A good listener? I wish I was.. So they would vent everything to me. But theyre not.
Curious? All the time
Determined? No.
Artistic? Nooh.
Honest? Depends on situation.
Respectful? I wish.
Concieted? No
Cocky? Uh.. no?
Controlling? Idk
Playful? No.
Easygoing? No.
Carefree? I guess.
Hot Headed? Yea.
Serious? Yeap.
Thoughtful? No..?
Considerate? I wish.
Stubborn? Yup.
Romantic? Haha. No. :D
Ambitious? Imma be realistic.
Jealous? Right now, yes..
Insecure? Super.
Obsessive? I think so.
Attentive? Depends.
Helpful? Sometimes
Punctual? idk
Rational? idk,
Sincere? Depends..
Tolerant? Hm.





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I'll make you happy Hyun ;;-;; </3 Love you <3