Social Studies, Everyone Hates It...Right???? WRONG!!!

American History. It's NEVER been a fun subject for ANYONE. But personally for me, since I started middle school, I've loved American History/Social Studies, well with the exception of my freshman year where I had World Cultures. No offence to my teacher, and I mean no offence cuz she LOVED me almost all my teachers do.
ANYWAY, World Cultures, I'll put it bluntly, was HELL. No one in my class understood ANYTHING my teacher said. The projects were difficult, especially the resturant project, which was when we had to pick a country, build a resturant model and write a whole bunch of stuff that I don't remember since I'm a sophomore now. tee hee XP
Now, sophomore year. My American History class I'd say is the most AMUSING yet ANNOYING class of my day, and I only have 4 classes (I have block sceduling). Amusing because my teacher is very LOUD and funny since he always shares his odd stories about his friends from around the world. And annoying because my classmates are IDIOTS and don't know when to SHUT UP. When my teacher tries to quiet the class down, they keep talking. Sure I don't care about it much, but there comes a time where you just need to learn when to talk and when not to talk. I share this class with my friend Jalinne (2Tired2BeNarcoleptic), and I'm glad my teacher let her sit next to me. Cuz if she didn't, I'm sure I'd be bored out of my mind when my class got side tracked (which happens A LOT).
*sigh* Well that's all I have to rant about right now. If I bored you, I'm sorry. I've never been good at these type of things. Well anyway SAYONARA~!
Until next time,


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I always loved Philippines history..<br />
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I never failed anything..<br />
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And I snuck food into calss..<br />
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And once I did my homework during that class..<br />
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And my teacher didn't care.<br />
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But now she's in japan. ><
Hahahahahahaha.American history is always funny.