❝cinderella❞ → 【Kim Jaeyeon】


character name / kim jaeyeon
nickname(s) / jay, yeonie, goojae
age / 17
ethnicity/ australian-korean
date of birth / 14 april 1997 
place of birth / perth, australia
hometown / jeolla, south korea
languages spoken / english (f), korean (f), japanes (b)

username / innasa_nadine354
nickname / nadine
activeness / 6 - 7

ulzzang used / kim seuk hye
gallery /  gallery
back up ulzzang / ryu hye ju
gallery gallery

height / 175 cm
weight/ 57 kg 

appearance / she has a natural hair colour of blonde and a tint ombre on the tips which is dark purple at the top and pink at the bottom, she has a wavy mid-length hairstyle. her eye colour is blue-green. she also has ear piercings and a tattoo on her wrist.

style / jaeyeon is more to the casual type of person. on hot days, she often wear her tank tops, denim shorts, a plaid shirt wrapped around her waist and a black pair of boots, or sometimes she'd wear simple summer dress. on cold days she would wear her favourite panda hoodie, mathed with a black skinny jeans and a pair of black and white converse. jaeyeon isn't really the type to wear high heels, but when she does, she wears a pair of heel ankle boots.

1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6

bloodtype / B
personality traits / cheerful, outgoing, hard-working, imaginative
personality / 

jaeyeon is a nice, kind-hearted and cheerful girl. she loves to make people happy. she would always of other people before herself. she likes to have fun and also likes to laugh. she is a very open and straight-forward girl. anyone can trust her with their secrets, because she is a very trustworthy person. she is never the one be afraid of showing her real side. she also has an aggressive side of hers, which everyone should avoid or be aware of. once the beast in her is let out, she becomes the total opposite of what she is before. she threatens people and sometimes hit them.

onscreen, jaeyeon is a very cheerful and fun girl onscreen. she like to make the audience laugh. she mostly uses aegyo when speaking. backstage, jaeyeon is a really dorky and the idiot type of girl. She does everything crazily and can be somehow clumsy. she never gets tired of making people laugh. she is also a very polite girl, therefore when she and the members are fooling around and a staff comes, she would always be the one to bow.

around her members, family, friends, she acts very weirdly. her personalities are mostly the same anywhere she goes, only that she is a dork around people she knows. she has always been remembering the motto she had with her umma, which is, "true friendship comes when the silence between two people is comfortable."

background / 

jaeyeon is someone who had always been cheerful and happy since she was born. she was born in perth, western australia, therefore she can speak english. her mother is korean and her father is australian. how her mother and father met? she never knew about it. but whether she knew or not, she's still happy that they got together and gave birth to her. her father works as a team leader of bluefish communication in australia, so he only comes to visit korea whenever he is not busy. her mother is a housewife with 1 son, himchan, and 1 daughter, jaeyeon.

family /

mother : im nara : 41 : housewife : sweet, caring, lovable : just like any other mother-daughter relationships, jaeyeon and her mother are very close with each other, sometimes they're inseperable: 10
father : austen kim : 45 : team leader of bluefish entertainment : sometimes strict, trustwrothy, cheerful : jaeyeon and her father are very close despite their distance : 8-9
step-brother : kim himchan : 23 : member of b.a.p : dorky, adorable, funny, manly : they get along very well because they have the same personality, therefore they are close to each other : 10

friends /

childhood friend : han sarang : 17 : student of lynwood senior high (australia) : quiet, kind, shy : they are very close with each other despite their personalities and distance : 10
friend : choi hansol : 15 : soon-to-be-member of seventeen : adorable, outgoing, wild : they interact as if they were brothers and sisters : 10

trivia / 

likes: cookies, photograpy, beaches, laughing and smiling, fooling around, making people happy

dislikes: darkness, hurting people, gloomy moods, getting hurt  

habits: biting nails, looking into the mirror, commenting movies

trivias: she has two kittens - milly and wendy, her favourite colours are white, blue and turqouise , she like writing poems, huge fan of nu'est, teen top, b.a.p and btob 

love interest / choi junhong / zelo
date of birth / 15 october 1996
age / 18
occupation / member of b.a.p

how they met / because himchan is her step-brother and they are very close, when himchan started of as a trainee under ts entertainment, he frist introduced jaeyeon to his possible group members. all of them were very nice to her, but one particualar person was very protective over her (even more protective than himchan himself). and that one person was zelo.
personality /  zelo at first glance he may have seemed intimidating and cold because of his sharp, handsome features, but once you get to know him he's really as nice, kind and caring guy. he isn't the most talkative person, but he gets along with everybody incredibly well. he has a dry sense of humor and he is the type of person that could tell a joke completely straight-faced, then burst out laughing a few seconds later. he is very kindhearted and would always help someone if they were in need. he couldn't even pass by a stray dog in the streets without giving it any extra food he had on him. he is sometimes cold and should avoid being made angry at all costs, always has a cool and leveled head during a bad situation. quiet and and keeps to himself, he doesn't talk much but you know that saying 'you can't judge a book by it's cover', well that saying is completely true just look at zelo and you'll see it. zelo may be quiet, handsome, hot and y but behind all of that is a persistent, erted, up-for-anything, go with the flow, laid back but possessive guy. When he set his eyes on something he finds interesting there is no stopping him until he gets what he wants and if you try to come between him or you're in his way well then good luck. 
reason / there was that particular reason why she likes zelo, but she coulden't really point out what it was. the only thing she knew was that she likes him because he was very caring and  is a very kind-hearted person towards her.
interaction /  since they are friends, they would act like how friends are supposed to act. sometimes awkward, sometimes fun and loving.

backup love interest / kim mingyu

love rival / park jimin
date of birth / 5 july 1997
age / 17
occupation / member of 15&

how they met / jimin, sarang and jaeyeon were the best of friends when they were in australia, until jaeyeon had to move back to korea.
personality / for the most part jimin is a nice girl, except for when someone tries to take what she wants. she's a jealous person who sticks on a guy she likes and refuses to let go without a fight.
reason / jimin likes zelo, and so does jaeyeon. sarang accidently let it slip to sohyun when she began to ask her a lot of questions about her crush and since then she's been very cold towards jaeyeon.
interaction /  jimin is very hostile towards jaeyeon ever since she found out about jaeyeon liking her crush, zelo. 

backup / baek ah yeon

previous company / t.o.p media
trainee years / 4 years
audition tape / vocal - spica boa - click / dance - after school kahi - click

who do you look up to? / after school's kahi sunbaenim
what are your goals for the future? / well my goals are just to be a great singer and dancer, and be a successful person i guess. 
are you confident in your abilities as an idol? / of course. i've been singing and dancing my whole life /chuckles
what is your favourite food? / my favourite food would probably be maccaroni and cheese, but do note that i love every other food too!
are you a familiar or new face? / a familiar :)

comments, questions, concerns / i had a very hard time to do the rival part, but i finally did it haha. hope you like my chara. and tell me if there's anything wrong ^^
scene requests / i dunno. i'm out of ideas ><
scene, show and song suggestions / -
extra / nope















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hey o/
so is your chara's last name kim or goo ? :I