Countryside Summer ↷ Choi Zidane's Application

L a y o u t  b y  x x F i c t i o n
 Countryside summer
the tale of a great summer

〈 Caecie 〉 〈 Cae 〉 〈 7 〉
❝ Choi Zidane ❞  +  ❝ Kim Jongin ❞ =  

  you'll never forget me  
BIRTH NAME 〉 [Choi] [Zidane] 
ALIAS 〉 Dawn or Mihyun
AGE 〉 18
DATE OF BIRTH 〉 December / 26th / 1994
RELATION 〉 The owner was actually a family friend who lost touch with her family after her mother's passing

 Zidane is a very creative person, she often will be the first one up because of an idea pops into her head and she has to write it down before she forgets. She is someone who is a bit open minded about many things and will try almost anything. She gets excited about the thought of riding a bull... even though she most likely will never get to. She is very artistic and her creativity just makes it worst when she is in a sketching mood.
↪ She often will try to follow the people that she admires because she feels like the longer she is with them, the more she learns. Zidane often when in a bad mood is very closed off, she works at whatever she is told and will go and sit somewhere she can let her feelings out because she isn't someone who likes to show people how she feels. Zidane is a bit of a freak when it comes to knowing insects. She often will sketch as many as she can on her free time so that she can keep track of everyone that she sees. Zidane also once mad has a bad temper and often will be really rude to anyone who pesters her about what she's mad about.
↪ Zidane is a very shy person when it comes to guys. She is all for being friends with them but often will not be the first to start a conversation. She often will just wave and go the other way to hide her face since it will most likely be red or her ears will be. She is very easy to please and just the smallest thing that is given to her can make her feel like the most happiest person in the world. She often will keep a smile on her face, just so that everyone will not worry about her and she also does it to try and force herself to be happy if she isn't.
 Rainy days
 Earning your place
Rude people 
Bad storms 
↪ Bad memories 
↪ Ruining what others have created 
↪ People who constantly ask her something 
 When people talk to her in a loud voice as if she has bad hearing
↪ Chewing with an open mouth for more then a few seconds 
↪ When people try to get her to talk, more then twice after she doesn't 
 Sketching insects or just wildlife in general
↪ Cooking 
↪ Reading 
↪ Painting 
↪ Sketching the guy she likes when she's not working and he is 
↪ Waking up early and making everyone breakfast 
↪ Forgetting her notepad
 Seeing her father
↪ Thunderstorms 
↪ Hurting others with a clear mind 
 Zidane is mute by choice since she was ten
↪ She loved cafes because they are cute and fun to sketch, as well as name 
↪ She will often mess with her hair to cover her ears. 
↪ She practices talking when she is completely alone because she hasn't spoken in years and finds it embarrassing 
↪ Everyone who sees her often will notice something is off about her 
↪ She has a collection of bug sketches with their information in it that she always takes with her 
↪ She is almost always hungry 
↪ She will often go outside in the rain if it's not too heavy 
↪ When her mother passed she carved the date onto the base of the back of her neck to keep her with her where ever she happened to go

  it must be fate  
 Zidane was born into a family with problems. Her father wasn't able to keep a job and her mother was very sick. By the age of ten, her mother passed away and her father couldn't really care for her out of heartbreak and so she decided to no longer speak so that she could never cause him grief. After that her father eventually got remarried and her step mother became insulting, abusive and her father couldn't take it, he just told his daughter to runaway, he was tied to her step mother and her step brother and so he wanted her to find her happiness again and so he gave her a large bag of things that he thought she could use and as much money as he could get and helped her leave. What he didn't know was that she put the money into her brother's college fund, only keeping enough to feed her and keep her homed for a few months.
She ended up  on the countryside due to the peace and the scenery, she also had been looking for somewhere to work seeing as she had spent a total year by herself and wanted to be around others
 Zidane is very talented at painting and sketching realistic sketches and paintings
↪ Caring for baby animals 

  i'm happy the way i am  
ULZZANG 〉 Park Hwan Hui
HEIGHT 〉 1.52 m
WEIGHT 〉 115 lbs
↪ Zidane is slim
↪ Her left eye is a bit lighter then her right
↪ She has a scar on the base of the back of her neck that reads " XIIXIXMMV"   
↪ She often will just grab a pair of jeans or shorts and a t-shirt. if she does really think about it she will wear warm clothes or she will just place a jacket on. She considers her style random.

  carve our names into the tree  
LOVE 〉 Kim Jongin
SECOND CHOICE 〉 Park Chanyeol
  He's eyes and smile... It just seemed to fit in the location
  It's more like a flirty, protective learning relationship. He's flirts and protects and along side her he figures out that they are learning about the other
  Protective, Kind, understanding, anything as long as they care about who she is not what she looks like.

  bored out of my mind  
How do you act towards working on the field?
 I find it fun because I make a game out of it by giving myself a quick treat if I do it the best I can
What do you think about having twelve eye-candies living next door?
 Ummm... That they're good looking.... Okay I'll tell you. When I first thought about it I wanted to sketch them with little animal ears. But other then that I think it would be good to have a break from others that you are living with if you would like to keep a friendly relationship with them.
What's your favourite thing about being in the countryside?
 I can sketch almost anything that is around me and find something that is not just beautiful but something that can have life in it. It's like it's able to pull you together with others and create a bond... plus I'm pretty sure I'd rather be here then somewhere digitally drawing since it doesn't bring a personal touch from me in my opinion
What would you do if you had to go for a day without food because you didn't harvest any?
 I would be able to last a day... I just might happen to have nibble marks on my paint brush or something..

  come visit again  
COMMENTS 〉 Okay so even though you didn't ask I under lined what I consider bad traits seeing as they were in the form of a sentence... Sorry if that's bad. *Hides in turtle shell* oh and... for some reason I think there are two passwords so I put the song in what I thought.... 
SUGGESTIONS 〉 Well.... It makes me think of harvest moon so.... *Smiles* Can there be a blue feather or feathers?
PASSWORD 〉 The first think I thought was literally this: (Mind you, I only found out because of the teaser that SM released on their youtube due to me not wanting to get excited over nothing.




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