Of Dreams and Ramblings

Yes, I'm procrastinating once again. You'd think that I'd learn to be more productive by now, but I guess not. Anyway, since I have absolutely nothing else to talk about, I'm going to just ramble on about a weird dream I had last night.

Okay, so I was back in high school, and I was going to my old first period. When I went to my usual seat, I saw that my friend... let's call him "D," was sitting there already. Us and four of our other friends actually always sat together in the front rows nearest to the door, and D always sat in the seat in front of me. So anyway, I asked him why he was sitting in my spot, I didn't really care but he normally gets all iffy if someone sits in his place. He told me to just sit in his regular spot for today, so I was like whatever. Getting to the point, as I was talking to my other friend, Aron of NU'EST walked into the room. At first I didn't notice until my friend had pointed him out to me, she said something along the lines of "I think we're getting a new kid."

I looked, and immediately started freaking out inside. I was like, "Oh my god! Oh my god! ARON IS HERE!" It was kinda weird because I'm not even really into NU'EST, and I never really fangirled over Aron either. But yeah, getting back to my dream now. So Aron went up to my teacher and I'm assuming asked if a certain person was here, and then my teacher pointed to me. Aron then walked up to me and said, "Yes, I'll go to prom with you." At that point, I was like, "Wait... what? I have no idea what he's talking about." I'm guessing he saw the confusion on my face, and then explained to me that he saw my video on YouTube of asking him to prom, and decided to accept in person. I think it was probably like one of those things like where a kid asks a celebrity to their prom, and some of them actually do it for publicity or whatever. Anyway, after he finished talking, Aron took my hand and we walked out of class... then I woke up. 

In all honesty, I'm not really sure what to think of this. I know it's prom season and all, but I don't really understand why it would be on my mind since I graduated a year ago. Besides, I ended up going to prom with friends, not a date. I mean no offensive to Aron (I'm sure he's a nice guy and would make a great prom date), but I probably would have picked a different idol to go to prom with. 


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