❦ Goddess: Persephone ❦


{ Goddess : Persephone }


Eun Som »  ( Straight )  ( 11-01 ) » ( 18 )   ( 170cm + 50kg )  —  LeeHyeRi-ah ” .


"Me, Myself and I"

Username : LeeHyeRi-ah

Nickname : Hye Ri

Activity Rate :

Laptop / PC : 9

Mobile : 0, cause I don't have a mobile plan.


"Hello, I Am..."

Name : Yang Eun Som

 Nicknames : The Rare Beauty, Black Pearl

Birthdate : 11/01

Age : 18

Ethnicity : French Korean

Height : 170cm 

Weight : 50 kg 

Blood type : A 


"I Am Beautiful"

Ulzzang : Ha Mirae

Gallery : HERE

Back-Up Ulzzang : Chany

Gallery : HERE

✻ Markings : She has a infinite tattoo in the middle of her middle finger.


She likes Loose Tee, Boyfriend Tee, and Hoodies coupled with baggy pants. But she does have a femine side of her and usually it will be elgant yet comfortable. Her sleep wear would be cute animal panjamas with hoodie. She simply adores those kind of pajamas.

♛ Examples

Super Casual (used for training as well ) :  || 1 || 2 || 3 ||

Casual (Airport Fashion as well) : || 1 || ||

Formal Style : || 1 || 2 ||

Swim Wear : || 1 || 2 ||

Sleepwear : || || <- (*This was bought by her fans, so she had to wear it.)

please read her Dislike section

"The Long or The Short of It"

Personality : Generally, she is known for her cold and distant personality

Cold and Unfriendly, are pretty much her exterior personality. That's because people judge her base on her outer appearance instead of seeing her as someone who might be different from what they think. She would open up slowly and steadily when you give her the trust to let you get to know her.

Open minded and tolerant. She can tolerate nonsense for a period of time but if you really piss her off she wouldn't hesitate to give you a piece of her mind and with her mind she could do anything she can think of. She's pretty much open to questions, ideas, advice and would consider them carefully before deciding. However, the one usually giving sage advice, questions and ideas would be her.

Trustworthy and reliable. She maybe cold and scary buy you can trust her to keep your darkest secrets that's because she don't talk much to people around her but she would try her best to please people around her.

Supportive and caring yet very practical. While she often exudes creepy vibes because of her love for goth, she never hesitates to give people around her a piece of her mind that is because she cares and would want to support them in every way she could. (Secretly caring and supporting)

Sensitive and she is always ready to lend a hand. She is very straight forward and would always tell you things that you would not like to hear in front of your face but that is because she sees beyond your personality and attitude, she sees your mind and spirit. She would tell you things that you may not like doing but she knows that it would be best for you to do as she says. If you have difficulty, she is always ready to lend a hand.

Wild and A Badass chick. She's a wild chick who loves to do things her way. She defied her mother to chase after her passion.

She would try to carry a smile on her face. However, that only caused her to be more emotionally-restrained which therefore makes her appearing secretive and distant.


She has always been the hope of the family. Whatever she does must end with a high note. Her mother expects nothing but the best from her child thus leading her to be very very protective of her only child. Matter got worse when her father passed away when she was only 4 due to cancer and to provide for Eun Som, her mother worked two jobs just so to ensure that Eun Som gets the best of everything hence became very over protective of her daughther.
Eun Som loves dancing and she has been dancing since forever. It was part of life, without it she has absolute no idea what she would do in her life. Her mother had sign her up for many dance courses like Ballet, Salsa, Latin Dance etc... but none of the dance styles caught her attention unlike the dances she saw on TV, Street Dancing, Hip Hop, Popping etc... those dances caught her attention. Once she tried practicing hip hop in her room, her mother caught her by surprise and even gave her a long lecture about the dangers of 'not gentle' dance styles. She was forced to take even more ballet lessons as punishments.
But her passion was in Hip Hop, Street Dance and Poppin' thus she decided to go against her mother to chase after her passions, after any dance lessons, she would go to a secret alley where she found street dancers would practice their dance and from there she learned the style of street.
At first it was all hard for her as she was mocked and critisized for being a 'gentle' dancers and was spat at by one dancer who literally screamed at her face, "Go back to where you belong, ballet dancer. You're no streetster." but one day, she surprised the crowd with her street styles combined with moves of hip hop and poppin' and the bigger surprise was that she actually 'beat' the King of Street Dancing at an amazing age of 10! From that fateful day onwards, she was popularly known as the 'Young Dancing Prodigy'. 
News of her dancing abilities spread like wild fire even though she told her trusted mates of her dance group not to tell anyone but nothing could just shut their mouth up and soon her mother got to know about it. She punished her daughter by banning her from going out of the house to dance anymore. Torn by her loyalties, she tried to please her mother every way she could think of so that she could dance again but her mother was stubborn and she refuses to let her daughter to mix around with kids that grew up in the streets.
Right after celebrating her 12th birthday, her mother nearly locked her in her room and that's when she finally decided she had enough. She raged at her own beloved mother. After bottling up 12 long years of pain and suffering, she finally blurted out everything.
She even took the risk of challenging her own mother. "If I make it big, you're not going to be this protective ever again!" and with that she left her house and immediately sign up for auditions in JYP, YG, CUBE but none of the companies accepted her. Her last restort was SM.
If she wants to make it big, she had to take the risk. She audition in the weekly round up but she was rejected however one judge saw the potential in her and decided to take her in.

*At the age of 3 she moved to Korea from France. 

Likes :

: the night sky

: gothic novels

: peace

: gazing at stars

: the quiet night life

 : bunnies (She finds them TERRIFYINGLY cute)

: romance novels

: acoustic guitars

: self composed lyrics

: freedom

: dancing

Dislikes :

: Noise

: betrayal

: crowded areas

: areas that are filled with lights

: people entering her room with or without permission

: people getting on her bed

: overprotective mother

: cute stuffs

Hobbies :

: Reading

: Day-dreaming

: staring at her collection of stuffed bunnies.

: Dancing

: Rapping

: Composing lyrics

: playing her guitar


: Staring at her stuffed bunnies (A huge collection)

: Leaving riddles behind for people to solve

: Giving advice and telling people off when they do something wrong.

: Pleasing people around her


: her mother

: Betrayal

: Cute stuffs

Trivia : 

: She may love gothic things but she has a HUGE for bunnies. (she finds them terrifyingly adorable.

: She is left handed

: She has a HUGE library filled with gothic and romance novels

: Her biggest dream is to make it big to prove her mother that she knows what she is doing.

: She can be very secretive at times.

: She HATES cute stuffs alot and she hates aegyo a lot but she find it quite hard to resist bunnies because they are terrifyingly adorable and Kai's aegyo was just like a magnet which was something that can't simply just be resisted.

Favorites : 


: Midnight blue

: White

: Black


: Pop music

Movie Genre

: Horror


: Bunny



Family : 

Father | Yang Daniel | 43 | Deceased | Engineer | He was a very loving father who encourages Eun Som in whatever she does and would always protect her from her over protective mother who only cared about the pride of the family.

Mother | Elizabeth Laselle | 43 | Alive | Fashion Designer | She works at two places as a fashion designer. She's pretty famous for her designs thus able to provide Eun Som with so many dance courses howeverh she is very over protective of her daughther because she was the pride of the family.


Q | Real Name unknown | 18 | Street Dancer | Eun Som best friend but she can a real headache at times. She loves dancing as much as Eun Som and she grew up dancing in street style.

The goddess of Peace : Eirene | 19 | Peacemaker | She would normally go to her and share her secrets


"All Around the World~"

Birthplace : France

Hometown : Seoul

Language spoken : English, Korean, French, Japanese


"You're SuperStar!"

Stage Name : Soul 

Persona : The Black Pearl

Personal fanclub name : Pandoras

Personal fanclub color : Midnight Blue

Position : lead dancer & main rapper

Back up position : lead dancer & lead vocalist ( Selene )

Amount years of training : 7 years

Trainee History : 

She's always considered as the hard working one in SM. During her trainee days she would always trained hard from 3 pm (which is after school hours) to 11 pm or even till wee hours to perfect moves and learn new ones. She would never complain about any injury or ache even if she is in pain. It was tough for her as  she goes through long hours of practice as compared to the rest, she had insufficient amount of sleep but will always be the first to wake up. She'll never complain about it.

She can be very sociable unless if people don't judge her quick. She has friends who supports her and looked for her whenever they are troubled or have doubts with their dance moves. She advance her Poppin' skills from Taemin and Kai because she prefers move which are rather more challenging and difficult to master. She also learn rapping from EunHyuk as she is mentored by him for dance under Hip hop and Rapping. She is a diligent girl in school and in training and would always show a can do it attitude in every thing she do. 
However with that kind of fame comes with a price. Despite being all so fabulous and stuff, she constantly gets threat messages or physical contact bullying from senior trainees and some staffs. During one of the days in Trainee's boot camp, she was nearly by one senior trainee but Kai rescued her in the nick of time and the senior trainee was kicked out of SM.

She tries to please everyone she knew even if she doesn't like it. She just wants to place her trust on people who are close to her. Whenever she could never handle the overwhelming feeling in her she would always turn to Kai and help her sort out her feelings.

She has never contacted her mother once ever since she got into SM. She wants to train really hard to prove to her mother that she knows what she's doing and she's doing it right.


"1feeling2say3wordsforit 'Ilove you"

Love Interest : Kai, Kim Jong In

Age : 19

How did the two meet? : Both of them met during their trainee days. Kai was a senior older than her. She got lost while trying to find the toilet during her first week of traineeship but Kai purposely tricked her and she nearly went into the boys' toilet because him.

How well does she get along with him? :
At first, she hates him down right to the core, because the first thing is because he tricked her by leading her into the boys' toilet. He always about her height back then because she was only half his height. He nicknamed her 'Short Stuff' because she was shorter than him back then. She was assigned to be under Kai to advance in her Popping and they never had a really good time together while except for Kai that is. He just love teasing her. But as time passed by unknowingly she developed something for him after he saved her from nearly being by a senior trainee and soon the both of them became very close to each other.

Did she like him at first? : No

If yes : -

If no : Because he loves teasing her and she got tricked into nearly entering the boys' toilet and he has a cute face, she hates cute things

Does he like her at first? : A little bit.

If yes : He liked her a little bit because he found her rather cute but he only decided that it was just an admiration manner.

If no : Because she was short and very fun to make fun of.

If no to both, who falls first? : Kai, he slowly begins to warm up to her when he realizes that they have a lot in common and he found out that she has a secret for bunnies. He grew even closer to her after saving her from nearly being by a senior trainee.

{But if you don't like what I put here, surprise me! I love sur~~~prises!}


"I Love You Too!"

Love Interest : LuHan

Age : 22

How did the two meet? : Both of them met during their trainee days. LuHan was already a senior. She was practicing her dance when LuHan accidentally interrupted her.

How well do she get along with him? :

Both of them were neutral at first till he found out something interesting about her. He found out that she is actually a soft person. (He found out that she loves bunnies) hence tried his very best to talk to her and try to get her to open up to him. At first she didn't seem willing to know him but she eventually gave in as she sees that he was pretty much sincere in getting to know her more.

Did she like him at first? : No.

If yes : -

If no : Because he interrupted her during her practice and he has a cute face, she hates cute things.

Does he like her at first? : No.

If yes : -

If no : Because she seemed cold and distant

If no to both, who falls first? : LuHan, he found out about her secret love for cunnies and began on a quest to get to know her.

{But if you don't like what I put here, surprise me! I love sur~~~prises!}



"I'm Not Going to Let You Go That Easily!"

✻ Comments / Suggestions? : Man, i'm done! This is an awesome app! Nothing to change! I hope you like her! I had fun doing this like seriously~ I did a lot of thinking because of this. I wanted mine to be different so yeah added a few stuffs here and there. I Hope You like it!

Scene request : How about a variety show like Hello baby for the girls? Or maybe feature them in Running Man!

Love Scene Request : When Kai confess to her, it would be at a time where she would least expect it and it would really surprise her? But I'll let you decide~ If you want scene~~~ I don't mind~ Haha!

Password : xoxo




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