How do you make friends?

I've been here for almost an year and I only made a friend.

I made one friend for being on asian fanfics.

Yet I see everyone making a lot of friends, and I'm here like... "Yeah how do you.. Social"?

So please help me, I will gladly be your friend.

And be nice to you, promise!


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Aaaah...same problem. I actually searched it on google and then your post's link came and here I am!! Suggestions people???
We can be friends if you're ever interested. I'm kind of new to this place too BTW. :) And I love talking to people. c:
officialhasnolimits #3
I wanna be your friend.. :D
I'm an inspirit too..
Well, there's a scientific reason for that---lol jk.

I just start the conversation weirdly and most of the time i'm ignored but ... T-T please be my friend
Yeolda #5
Talk to meh, girl! Talkkkk! Lol.
WARNING: I talk a lot.
I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS! I normally meet a lot on RP's but on AFF accounts, I just start a convo and we find we have things in common! Then we get closer and talk about anything & everything :^D
LadyAthena #7
I have the same problem too. So umm....want to be friends? Lol. Sorry about being so awkward ;p
ambiguite #8
o n o. i think most people meet on rps. then they get each other's personal affs and talk there. that's my case at least. LOL. i'm really awks if i meet someone just on my personal aff and get to know them like that. conversation tends to die down. ;c cos one person doesnt end up replying. LOLOL. /kicked.

ily bb. <3
First reaction: I'm online ignoring people at school most of the time and you ask how to make friends. I can't help you.
Xiao_Mei #10
Hmm...I had the same problem with you a few years back but you can always talk to me if you want to. Just that I don't really start convos cause I usually don't bother to do that. Hey, don't blame me. I'm known for being lazy. Hehehe...