B.L.U.E Application Form - Byun Baek Hee


Beep, beep! Pick up the phone, BaekHee Ah!




the real you

username | Exokristao

profile link | Clickme!

name | Call me JR!

activity | 9-10


royalty, coming through!

name | Byeon Baek Hee (Byun Baek Hee)

date of birth | 24 May 1992

age | 20

ethnicity | Full Korean

birthplace | Seoul

hometown | Seoul

languages | Korean (Fluent), English (Basic)


prettier than a diamond~

Idol face-claim | Kim Taeyeon

visuals | ♥ 

Back-up idol face-claim | Yoo Ah Ra

visuals | 

height + weight | 165 | 51

blood type | B

other | had one piercing on each ears. (for earrings)


into my world

personality | She's a dorky kid. I mean, seriously. She love to do kkab dance and make a lot of people laugh. She's a happy virus indeed. She's outgoing, fun, and had a warm heart. If you ask her who she hates, she doesn't have any. Because, she doesn't want to be involved in any type of fights. Even though she's 20 and a trainee that soon going to be debuted, she doesn't really care about image. Psh- what's an image if we can be ourselfs? that's what she thought. And she's a good cook too! but she's afraid to turn on the stove so yeah. She's pretty, i know. But she's not arrogant, she likes to help people and she adore her family the most. Sometimes, she may feel a little uncomfortable if people talk too much about a certain subject that she didn't like, and she doesn't like gossips either. Not to miss! her ahjumma laugh too!. She had a laugh like ahjummas, you know, aunties / old woman laugh. And it's funny to hear really. Oh, she had a wonderful voice too. Her voice is really soothing. Especially, on ballads songs. She had a not too raspy voice but powerful yet soft, get what i mean? If you heard her singing ballads, all her dorky image will be gone, replaced with a mature and sad aura. She will give her all when she sings, and ballads is her most favourite song to sing. and deep down inside, she's actually a ..


ert. /be careful/

And when she loses a temper, it's really scary. Like really really scary. Well she didn't really pour out her anger to actions but...

She's like, giving them a 'i hate you, i don't want to be your friend anymore' or releasing a loud hump before leaving the room. Sometimes, she also gave them a sarcastic.. words like 'Speechless much?' with a diva look. That's why, don't make her angry!

and she's also a er for plush toys. Everytime she went to a toy store, she went straight to the plush toys side. Her favorite characters toys to buys is Winnie the pooh and stitch. But she also had a pororo one and currently looking for crong. A lot of her friends about this. Because like, why do a 20 year old girl buy plush toys for herself?

background | She had a wonderful loving family. She's not too wealthy nor poor, it's just perfect (in her opinion). But her mom though, she had a certain ilness that can't be cured yet, but her mom said that she's fine with it, so is her father. Her family told her not to worry about her mom and continue to reach for her dream, to become a singer. And that's why she love them, they're not like other parents who didn't even care about their child's dreams and gave them a future job since they were young (like CEO or bussiness yeah.) So Taeyeon auditioned for SME and got accepted. She trained really hard, her instructor told her that she doesn't have anything to worry about her singing, because it's perfect already. But, she has one weakness. It's Dancing. Her dancing is not very bad. It's just.. well.. bad. She was born not to be a dancer, that's why her dance instructor is strict on her. Training her from hour to hours. She's tired to the point she wants to give up already, but she told herself that this is her dream and she had to continue to make it.

likes | 

  • Banana milkshake!
  • Ballad songs
  • Listening musics with earphones.
  • Bonchon chicken!
  • Bubble tea (Taro flavoured)

dislikes | 

  • Gossips (just, no)
  • Bugs (It creeped her out)
  • Lizards
  • Thriller movies (She's afraid of blood in movies)
  • soups.

hobbies | 

  • Singing (ofc :D)
  • Drawing (yes, she's good at drawing)
  • Entertain people with her kkab dance

trivia | 

  • She's a good cook, but she's afraid to turn on the stove ( so she ask other peoples to turn it on for her)
  • Never had a boyfriend (nope)
  • Ahjummah laugh /smirks/
  • She loves to collect plush toys
  • Can't sleep without her tiger 



them lovely chingus


Byun Hanna  | 47 | Mother | housewife

Byun Minho  | 49   |Father |  Bussiness man


best friends

Song Juhee (ALICE) | 20| Member of Hello Venus | Beautiful, Outoing, Loud, and a Pabo , ert


            Choi Junhong | 19 | Member of B.A.P | Childish, Cute, but can also be mature. Sometimes

            Luna      | 20 | Member of F(X) | Also a loud person, very outgoing, had a warm heart


sorry, but the paparazzi needs me!~

stage name | Baek hee

personal fanclub name | Baekgangstah!

anything happen before debut? | um, not really. Even though she's pretty, she's not really popular among other trainee. and they never used her as an actress in a CF or MV too so..

training years | 3 years 

position [put '0' as first choice, '-' as second coice] 

] Leader, main rapper

[ ] Lead dancer

[ ] Lead vocalist, visual

[ O ] Main vocalist, face of the group

[ ] Maknae, main dancer

[ O ] Co-leader, second main vocalist

[ ] Second visual, second lead vocalist

[ ] Second main dancer

[ ] Second main rapper





it's not a scandal, it's love!

love interest | Byun Baekhyun

how you met | Easy peasy!, Baekhyun also came from SM so they often met (well, not really). They never actually talked. Baekhee used to look at him from afar or when Baekhyun walked pass her. She will give him a bow and if Baekhyun boy back with a smile, she will squeal. She started to grow feelings for him when she hear him sing. And Baekhee noted that she will sing like that in the future. You know, Baekhyun is the reason Baekhee can sing with emotions. Because everytime Baekhee sings, he will think of him. and please don't tell anybody because it's embarrasing  (And she often squealed because of their names, you know. Baekhee full name is BYUN BAEK HEE. And Baekhyun's full name is BYUN BAEK HYUN the difference it's only in HEE and HYUN. How cool is that?)

current relationship | um, Sunbae - hoobae relationship..?

love rival | Park Chanyeol

back-up love interest |  Kim Joonmyun

how you met | Same as Baekhyun!

current relationship | Same too :3

back-up love rival | Lee sungmin


final words...

questions, comments | i'm sorry.. i think i biased exo too much ._. is that okay?

scene request(s) | CAN YOU MAKE THEM SING DUET TOGETHER? YEAH YEAH ? /Blinks thousand times with a pout/ ❤

password | oppaoppa





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