100 truths about me HUUUUURHURRR IM BORED OK.


stolen from: K-PopFangurl22

1. Real Name:  ReeRee Sooyun Hurhur
2. Nicknames: Soo, Eomma, Appa, Milly, KS Queen, Unicorn, Hyun
3. Zodiac Sign: Aquarious 
4. Male or Female: Female 
5. Elementary School : I cant even remember the name to be honest hahaha.
6. High School : BULLDOGS.
7. College: MTSC, stalk me i dare you.
8. Hair color: Black with brown and purple
9. Tall or short: tall and proud :D
10. IM or email: YOU GUYS CAN COME ASK ME OK <3
11. Sweats or Jeans: Neither hahaha.
13. Health Freak: Uhhhh, depends? I dont know, I dont pay attention haha.
14. Orange or Apple: Applesss
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: I do I do I do oafldfjadnglaf
16. Eat or Drink: EAAT
17. Piercings: Just ears nothing special
18. Pepsi or coke: Coke
19. Been in an Airplane: a few times, not many
20. Been in a relationship:  A handful, yes :[
21. Been in a car accident: Yeah haha like three 
22. Been in a fist fight: Yup, i attract es.
23. First piercing: My ears?
24. Current best friend(s): Im not even sure anymore LOL.
25. First award: .....i dont remember hahahaha
26. First Crush: Ummm.....I cant remember this either LOL 
27. Firstword: ATTEHHH (for all you filipinos) 
28. Last person you talked to in person: My dad haha.
29. Last person you texted: Bebs
30. Last person you watched a movie with: Me haha
31. Last movie you watched: Yes or No
32. Last song you listened to: Super Junior M - Breakdown
33. Last thing you bought: Hair Chalk 
34. Last person you hugged: The maknae
36. Favorite Drink: Soda? Haha...
37. Bottoms: I top, sorry. I dont bottom for anyone LOL jk idk what this is asking.
38. Flower: Anything haha.
39. Animal: Unicorns.
40. Color: Green/Mint+Purple
41. Favorite Movie: I honestly have many that i cant even write them all ahaha
42. Favorite subject: Mythology i guess haha
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. [x] Gotten Baptized.
44. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
45. [x] Had your heart broken.
46. [x] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
47. [x] Had someone question your ual orientation.
48. [ ] Got pregnant. 
49. [ ] Had an abortion.
50. [x] Did something you regret.
51. [x] Broke a promise.
52. [x] Hid a secret.
53. [x] Pretended to be happy.
54. [x] Met someone who changed your life.
55. [x] Pretended to be sick.
56. [ ] Left the country. 
57. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
58. [x] Cried over the silliest thing.
59. [x] Ran a mile.
60. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend.
61. [x] Got into an argument with your friends.
62. [x] Hated someone.
63. [ ] Stayed single for a whole year.
64. Eating: Chocolate Chip Cookie 
65. Drinking: Water :--:
66. Listening to: an acoustic version of wolf by this one girl on tumblr...its so awesome omg.
67. Sitting/Laying: sitting...for now 
68. Plans for today: sleep, wake up, eat, drive around, watch more exo, etcetc (insert life of a fangirl)
69. Waiting for: My oppars to notice me.
70. Want kids: I guess? From myself or adopted, wouldnt matter.
71. Want to get married: yes :[
72. Career:  ill know when i get there.
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: oh man i honestly cant decide.
74. Shorter or taller: Either because i roll like a buffalo for both genders T__T
75. Romantic or spontaneous: Both
76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship >:{
77. Looks or personality: Personality, if i love you then i love you no matter what you look like.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: I dont need either but i wear circle lenses?
79. Snuck out of the house: hahaha nappeun yeoja.
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: nope but i got peper spray on me
81. Killed somebody: HAHAHAHA omfg
82. Broken someone's heart: my hearts been there a few times but i prolly have broken someones too without knowing.
83. Cried when someone died: Yeah
84. Yourself: sometimes....
85. Miracles: i guess
86. Love at first sight: yeah...
87. Heaven: Yup
88. Santa Claus: nope
89. on the first date?: uhhh no
90. Kiss on the first date: if you cute come at me.
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yeah but they dont want me anymore....
92. Do you know who your real friends are: idk haha
93. Do you believe in God: Yes
94. Post as 100 truths?: suree
95- quote a famous person: "No matter how hard it is, I smile like an idiot" - Chanyeol <33
96- say something funny: SOMETHING FUNNY.
97- laugh at yourself: im freaking hilarious 
98- last message: guys, please write more fics about chanyeoland yixing . my soul needs to live.
99- a picture of you: wahahahahaha me and yixing <3



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