AFF Survey




1. How often are you on AFF?




2. What do you normally do when you're on AFF?

Check all my notifications



3. How many friends do you have on AFF?




4. How many of them do you talk to on a regular basis?

Around 4? those who comment on my blog, and those who reply to my comments on stories and blogs



5. Do you know how you're friends are doing?

Some, they blog it



6. Would you say you give or take more on AFF?

GIVE, I give more EXO Updates :3




7. How many stories have you written?

I've written countless of stories, i only posted 1



8. How many are complete?

1 ._.



9. Are there any stories that you aren't satisfied with?

YES, there's lots of stories that i ain't satisfied with ( P E A C E )



10. Do you have a goal for the number of stories you want to write?

I just want to write a good story where everyone will be moved



11. How do you personally feel about AFF?

SO many authors are aiming for popularity now XD It feels... horrible?



12. Have you gotten attached to anyone in particular on AFF? (You don't have to say names)

Um, iunno i guess?



13. Was there ever a time that you wanted to leave AFF and why?

YES, I couldn't keep up with people's



14. Do you take breaks from AFF?

YES, when i just get really annoyed or when something important happens ( Exams etc. )



15. What makes you stay on AFF? Is it friends? Writing? Other?

The amazing stories and the caring people here ( though there are some that i want to punch in the face )



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-u- I'll make a blog and answer these questions too... i'llcredityouforit. 8D
quatervois #2
812?! wow.
I used to write because o wanted to see how many subbies I got (shoots myself at my 2012 self) OTL
But last night I had this inspiration of...this stoy im so passionate about, and it will be my own style written the way I WANT it :DD
A new revelation =3=