Trip !

Yes! My school and I are going on a trip!

I won't tell you the destination because my teachers said to not to. People will try to 'sabotage'... xD Haha! But for our trip's safety, I won't say the place until we've come back. :D

But I'm going to tell you what TYPE of destination it is ... xD I'm just too excited!!!

For the most awesome one ... it's a water theme park! Well, one park is... There's also a wildlife park, what's kind of a beach, haunted 'park' and some other ones. I hope my teacher bought the tickets to ALL of the parks! xD 

Hint: To those who're B2UTYs, you'll maybe know where it is because B2ST had a fanmeet here.. ^^

And there'll be some uh-mazing rides! >< And I'll be going to ride them all, hopefully. Like roller coasters, spinning stuffs (eventhough I have motion sickness, but I think I can control a bit), and a lot of others.

I'll be brave and I won't hide!

Of course, if the ride's really long, spinning, dizzy and stuff, I'll take second thoughts.

And maybe I'll eat only some food, because the food's there are really really expensive. So I won't be like this ...


Oh well .. :) At least I'll be going there with my friends.. It's going to be AWESOME!




Ah! Aniya! That's not what I meant. But I will fight the people who made this trip fail. >M<

OK, hwaiting!!! ♥


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Thanks, unnie! Yup, this is what I told you.. Kekeke.. ^^ We're going there to maybe 5 hours... :D My teachers said 3 hours is enough to make you tired, but I'm going to have fun as much as I can. xD
OMO! So this is what you're trying to tell me a few days ago? xD
Hope you had fun! :))

because when we had our was SO FUN..but we've been there for only a few hours -_-"
Have fun at your trip! :)