AFF Username: Azrael-wings



AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/34172



State why you want to join: All of her life she always wanted to be in a girl group but is always rejected because she had the “tiger look”  and her voice is “TOO” boyish for a girl, desperate as she seems she does anything just to be accepted even to the point where she dresses like a dude.



E-Mail Address: [email protected]












Character Name : Shirai Naoyuki



Nickname : Nao



Date of Birth : Feb. 29, 1992 (yes, tinuod nga leap year ang 1992 cuz I was supposed to be born on that exact date but “FORTUNATELY” daw nga na-anak ko sako mama ug sayo)



Age : 19



Height (cm) : 159



Weight (kg) : 54



Blood Type : AB



Place of Birth : Nagoya



Ethnicity : Japanese



Spoken Language : Japanese, English, Hangeul and Mandarin(was taught from her trainee days.) All Fluent.



Traits : Dictator, OCD, light sleeper, only speaks if spoken to, worrisome, loyal friend.



Personality: Her emotions are hard to read but she’s not cold, she’s like any typical adolescent out there, she laughs and knows how to have fun, it’s just that she can easily mask her feelings and she’s really good, and I mean REALLY good at it. Have traits like a dictator only because she is a worry-wart when it come to her friends and loved ones, so that makes her somewhat over-protective. Cautious and observant, she’s usually quiet when she’s around new people or strangers especially Koreans, since Japan and Korea STILL have a shaky relationship.  A light sleeper and detest being woken up early in the morning.









Appearance: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/Yui_aragaki_053.jpg




eye color : Dark brown



hair color : Jet-black



hair style : straight-long hair with side bangs



Usually wears: cute tops paired with denim and boots or canvas shoes.



casual : http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/OU8O2RdY.jpg





training: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/lady_trendy_jogging_clothing.jpg










Parents :

Father- Shirai Nobuta, 44, an upright man, alive.

Mother- Shirai Kaori, 45, acts and dresses like an adolescent, alive.




Siblings :

 Elder brother- Shirai Kazuhiro, 23, happy-go-lucky, alive.

Younger sister- Shirai Hanabi, 15, brat, alive.



Grandfather- Shirai Hideo, 85, funny, alive.

Grandmother- Shirai Nana, 74, caring, deceased.


Actual Background : Nao is the second child of the family. She very much resembles her father from appearance to mannerisms. Somewhat indifferent but both are actually caring like her grandmother. Her brother is a happy-go-lucky dude that adores both her and their youngest sibling—whom he likes to spoil—.  Her sister is a bratty kid and calls her eye candy, though they get along quite fine. Her mother is quite a woman, for she looks like an adolescent with the age ranging from 24-27 and acts like it. She loves her family. Their family business is owning a vacation house in Sapporo called "Dreaming Forest."








How many times have you failed in auditions until you passed : 11 times



What were the usual comments on why you failed : "You sing like a dude", "you're too indifferent looking" or "do you even smile?"



How where you discovered: She was forced to sing in a comedy bar where her friends brought her.



How long have you been a trainee : 6 years



Trainee Experience: It was kinda harsh because she IS Japanese. Not all of her co-trainees were friendly towards her just because of her race.



Specialty : Singing and dancing



Weakness : Rapping









Partner : GD! XD, Wooyoung ^^, Taeyang? [wala nakoy lain mahuna-huna.an…pede si amber!!? Ahahahaha…..]



Favorite picture of him: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/g-dragon.jpg





How you met :

GD and Taeyang: Was asking for directions because of getting lost in a mall. [As a girl]

                          On Star King. [As a dude]


Wooyoung: On a plane to Korea. They sat side by side and didn’t know that he was famous. [As a girl]

                  Met him in a cake shop.  [As a dude.]



Your first impression:

GD- Somewhat annoyed because he acts like her sister and he keeps on throwing cheesy pick-up lines but slowly developed this squishy feeling.

Taeyang- He’s like an elder brother.

Wooyoung- Thinks he’s funny because of the crying baby-face.


His personality :

GD- Flirtatious but sincere. He likes Nao because of her somewhat indifferent and challenging personality. He likes throwing pick-up lines to her and gets turned down every time he did and gets a little jealous when she mentions Onew and Ryohei. [As a girl]


Competitive. He feels he's being ignored and at the same time challenged by Yuji. [As a dude.]


 Taeyang- Like and treat her as a younger sister. His first impression on Nao was that she reminds him of Hello Kitty. [As a girl]


At first he was very civil and hyung-like but he became suspicious about Yuji when he saw Nao’s picture in his phone. [As a dude]


Wooyoung- Hyperactive. Either way, he acts the same. Be it around male or female.


Any special moments with that special someone:

GD- When he guessed her favourite colour because he noticed the colour of her earings, the clothes she wore, and her other stuff. [as a girl]


When GD offered her a piggy-back ride when she sprained her ankle.[as a dude]


 Taeyang- He tries to cheer her up if he can sense she's upset about something.[as a girl]


He tries to defend her from GD's --too miserable to be an insult--insults. [as a dude]


Wooyoung- When they went to the amusement park.[as a girl]


When he said, "gosh, if you were a girl I would definitely ask you out!". [as a dude]


Enemy : [That b*tch you can't stand and want dead. OPTIONAL]



Why you hate her: [MUST ANSWER if you have an enemy. Name why she became your enemy.]



Friends: CL, Nickhun, Sooyoung 


How you became friends

CL- In a pub during their trainee days.


Nickhun- He was with Wooyoung when she met them at the cake shop.


Sooyoung- Star Golden Bell Challenge. 










Stage Name: Yuji Kohara



Position : Main vocals



Persona : Shadow King/Prince, Adolf Hitler (wahahaha~…na.a untay pinoy XD), Victoria’s Secret



Other Jobs : CF Model 


Rival: Jonghyun


Why he/she is your rival: The dude's got RANGE. She wants to surpass him be it dancing or vocal range even though she was told that her voice is more stable than his when performing at lives.


Character Overview : She tends to perspire an amount of sweat when female fans yells her stage name, and seeing placards with lots of affection written on it along with her name. Though she’s really tolerant and nice towards her fans and often asks if they’re okay when at lives.








Appearance: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/944290321a8356359522l.jpg





eye color : purple



hair color : Golden-brown



hair style : short and spikey



Usually wears: Parkas,  checkered, anything indie



casual : http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/seung-ri-196991.png





training : http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/EverlastChanTaecJunho.jpg





formal: http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k279/shikamaru_ino/tumblr_ljbjry2Unc1qb2yato1_1280.jpg










Likes : Pocky, stuffed animals, colour purple, music, guitar, scooter, iPod, fries, small animals, autumn.



Dislikes : sweets, unnecessary noise, crowds, summer, octopus.



Hobbies : eating, sleeping, listening to music, dancing, writing to her family.


Habits : one eye twitches if angered, swears in her native tongue, plays with hair if nervous, everything must be in chronological order, sleep talking and sleepwalking.



Phobia/Fears : spiders and crowds.



Talents: Haiku









Personal Fandom : POLARIS



Fan's name : Mad Hatter



Fanclub color : Violet



Fanclub motto : Keep calm and smile brightly.


Motto in life : “Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself.  You will then find out how easy it is to get along.” 



Definition of Love :  Love can be strong, yet so fragile.


Ideal type & why :

Boy version- CL, because of her ficerce personality when performing and her humility.She's very different, FAR different from other girl groups.

Girl version- Onew, because like her she tends to make lame jokes and she can sympathize with him.

Chiba Ryohei, a Japanese idol she fancies because of his talented dancing capabilities.


Addicted to :  Hello Kity. Emily the Strange.


Favorite food :  Tenpura


Favorite Color :  Purple



Random Facts about your character :

-       Doesn’t know how to swim

-       Sleeps with her favourite plushie teddy bear

-       Loves milk

-       Plays soccer

-       Won an eating contest

-       Has an OCD [symmetry and orderliness]

-       detests clowns but likes mimes. 





FABRICATED INFO - made up info for fans to believe && help hide your true identity]



Family BG :

Yuji Kohara is an only child who came from a well-off family that owns a beach resort back in Japan. He wanted to be famous singer-dancer but his parents forbid him so. At the age of 15 he ran away from home and stayed at his friend’s place. His friend was  employed at a certain pub and recommended him to his employer, as soon as he was interviewed he immediately got the job as a singer. Every night his shift starts and ends at midnight.


How you were discovered: One fateful night, after his shift a bonggacious lady walked up to him, handed him a calling card and walked away. He was confused and curious, he looked at the card and at the back of the card was written: THE BRIGHTEST STAR. When he finished reading the card he immediately called the lady, went back to his friend’s place, packed his things and flew all the way to South Korea.






Extra Info



Why do you want to be picked for our fanfic?: Because I want my alter-ego on action. ^^



Why do you think your character is good for this fanfic?: Because I made him/her out of sweat, blood and the neurons inside my brain.



Anything else? [Questions, comments, suggestions, etc.]: Keep rockin’! XD








#ooo. What is your character's fabricated complete name?

Yuji - Yuji Kohara



#oo1. What is your character's greatest asset? My character's greatest assest is that she can enhance their group's popularity since she's already a well-known model, especially in her motherland; Japan.




#oo2. Sub-groups : Want to be in one? Yes? No? Yesh




 #oo3. State the names of the members you are close (max of 4), awkward and neutral with and why.



Kay [poker faced buddies]

Zee [they were from the same modeling company and the only one who can tolerate Zee's behaviour and they're the infamous Cocky Duo remember? XD]

Jae [both are indifferent and can speak Japanese]

 -Yen [both are worrisome]



- Apple [she's too hyperactive. For me at least.]

- Devon [one word. Tactless.]



- Snow [we can have a normal conversation and civil to each other.]

-Juu [she's okay, I just want her to stop poking me to talk.]


#oo4. What is your character's most embarrassing moment or memory to date? Kindly narrate.


[As a dude]

When a fan was picked to come up on stage and was asked by the host/s who her bias was. The fan literally clung and nuzzled on her neck.


[As a girl]

Back in middle school she was very different compared to what she is now. She liked conversing with her peers but everything changed when one of her school mates who have a grudge against her played a trick on her.


They put a letter inside her locker saying it was from her crush, and he wants to talk to her in private, she was very happy about was currently happening. As soon as she arrived to the meeting place, she entered the room and was splashed with ice-cold water from above. Laughter was evident inside the room. Everyone one of them was from her batch, and they were having the time of their life laughing at her; including her crush. 



#oo5. What would your character's reaction be, when they find out that Moon Chii-Ree was once a guy?


Doesn't say anything but in her mind read, "I thought so."



#oo6. Who and how would your character be found out about their real gender? Kindly narrate.


 The person who found out her real gender was BIG BANG's Taeyang.

TBH was on a break from their activities and each member had their own little trip. Nao went back to Japan to visit her family the same time as BIG BANG's concert performance in Budokan.


They rode the same plane only in different class. BIG BANG was in business class while Nao was in economy [TIHIK! XD]. 


In Narita Int. Airport, Taeyang and Nao accidentally exchanged luggages because of the same appearnces it had. When Taeyang opened his luggage, it was full of things, FEMALE THINGS. But what made him surprised was he found Nao's I.D. and driver's lisence and not only that, he found a mini picture album that showed the TBH members. He took her I.D. card closer to the picture to compare the two. He was taken aback that Nao and Yuji shared the same face. But he was quite sure that Yuji was an only child.


He went to Nao's house to exchange their belongings and at the same time to confirm if this girl was really Yuji. Seems that his speculations were right all along, there at Nao's house she told him everything and asked his forgiveness that she's decieving everyone. Instead of feeling betrayed, he told her that he can never be mad at her and it is not her fault that she was forced to hide her gender and that he still thinks of her as his own sibling. He promised that he will not reveal her, or rather their secret, especially to GD.



#oo7. Do you consider your character good? Evil? Or at lost between good and evil? [need this for variety] 


Lost in between [since she's indefferent and has dictator tendencies]



#oo8. What are your character's first impressions on his/her groupmates, the president and manager? [You can write it in your character's P.O.V && got this idea from eunhaecupcake in her story Life as an SM Group [XAct'11] || Stroll down until you reach the POV for the example :http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/29285/9/life-as-an-sm-group-xact-11-apply-fxband-shinee-sment-snsd-superjunior]


* Lee MinHee- Beautiful, yet deadly. For me she seems pretty okay, since we share dictatoral traits. And why do I feel like I'm gonna become someone like her in the future? *sigh*


* Moon Chii-Ree- I thought something was up this "woman". She may look and sound like one but the vibration that her hormones have been giving me were way beyond a female's.


* Zee- Believe or not she's the only person to ever made me laugh like a psychopath. *face palms* And to think I thought we would be bitter enemies since we have opposing personalities.


* Yen- Level-headed and chill. She doesn't seem to get irritated easily.


* Jae- She seems to be the eldest of the bunch. She thinks before she acts.


* Yuji-  Boku wa Yuji desu.  Douzo Yoroshiku onegaishimasu. (-_-)


* Kay- I can't help but tease this kid. It is very unlikey for myself to tease people. Anyway she looks like someone I can easily get along.


* Snow- Two words. Visual Kei.


* Apple- Timid looking. She looks like if I were to order her around she might sit on the ground and cry her heart out. *Tsk tsk*


* Devon- I've got a feeling this kid is mischievous.


* Juu- I don't know why but I got this feeling she's gonna force me to talk. In Japanese. (-_-)



#oo9. What kind of TV program or variety show or event your character would like to be in and why?

 Haha Mong Show!, Star Golden Bell, Star King and Hello Baby.



#o10. Couple name(s) to your character with their friends - Members of TBH (refer to question number 3) && partners (which is the respective number of your partner listed in your app where I let you number & rate from 1-3).


Chosen pair


Yuji + GD = G-Yu/Yu-G


From TBH members


Kay + Yuji = KayJi

Zee + Yuji = Ji-Zee

 Jae + Yuji = YuJae

Yen + Yuji = YenJi


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