Comments to Authors

How many of you are authors here?


Do you guys read other fanfics often? Comment on them often?


What kind of comments make you happy the most?


Do you welcome long, sightful comments? How do you feel when someone criticizes your writing? Do you feel down? Does it hurt your self-esteem? Do you feel thankful that someone actually took their time reading your story and analysed its flaws?


How badly you want comments? Or does subscribers and views are more meaningful to you?


Haha so many questions so to be fair, I'll share my opinion as well.


When I was younger, like a few years back, I used to read a lot of fanfic. Nowadays, I write more than read (fanfics, that is. I try to read more books than fanfics these days since I have the money to afford them now). My reading is seasonal though. There are times when I can read a lot and contribute lots of comments as well. But I mostly go on for 2-3 months without reading any fanfics. My writing habit is similar, but I write more often.


I definitely love long comments that elaborate on their favorite scene, plots, or characters. I love it when people point out the memorable part of the stories in their comments. Of course, short comments such as 'post soon!' makes me happy too. I have no problem with criticism either. I might feel a little embarrassed when people pointed out my flaws, but when they do it out of concern or for the sake of writing, I feel thankful.


I get frustrated when I post a story and it only has two or three comments after a month. But then, for now writing and completing a story makes me happier, so getting comments is no. 2 in my list. I don't pay much attention to views or subscribers because that doesn't guarantee that people are actually reading my story.


Share me your thoughts too.




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I am an author but I like reading more than writing. I read fanfics especially those popular ones so I could improve on my writing and how to make people attracted to my story. heh.

Well, most of the comments I get are like "the story is great." "I like it." And stuff like that. Most of them praise the story or the characters. But there was one comment that almost made me jump because it's not everyday I get a "You're a great writer." Comment. I was really happy when I saw it. Oh and I like those looking forward to the next chapter comments or something like that. o u o

Haha I haven't got any long comments but I would like to have those kind of comments since that means they really paid attention to my story. I also never got criticizes. The most negtive (which it isn't really negative) comment I got was "too short but too cute." I was a bit sad cos I didn't met the satisfaction of the reader but I said to myself to just write a bit longer next time.

I don't really care about the views. I care more with the subscribers and comments. As long as I meet the satisfaction of my readers, then I'm happy.
I am an author lol, but no one ever sees my stories. Literally. Perhaps it's because I don't post up many chapters at all, or it's boring or something, but I don't know. Maybe they're just not interested in those kinds of things...

I read tons of fan fictions. And I see what very popular authors have in common. I only leave comments when something has absolutely caught my attention though, to let them know that I especially enjoyed that chapter.

If I actually had a few subscribers and viewers, both comments and subscribers would mean a lot to me! Comments state that people have actually took their time to analyze the story, and also tell the author how they're doing in entertaining their audience. Subscribers mean that the story is good enough to go on, because there will be an audience that will actually read it.
I agree 100% with this. :)

I tend to read a lot of fanfics but I also am a huge dork and read books constantly. So when i'm writing I also like to think of things i've read and learn from it so I can make my own writing better. I also leave comments because I know how much I love comments so i tried to be constructive and encouraging.

For me comments are HUGE! It means someone took the time to read and actually give me feedback on my story. I love any kind of comment, short and sweet, long and insightful, constructive or even ones that point out my flaws. its just a big learning experience either way.

For me I would say I get sad if I dont get comments on a story but if I am really proud of a story then I get kind of selfish and just dont care because its something that I myself feel great about. :)
I read tons of fanfics every day around 15 or 20 whenever I have the time during school weeks or weekends. The stories I most like to read are romance and drama, excuse me for being picky, and a fanfic that has... well good grammar and descriptive language. Whenever I read a story that actually captures my eye I automatically have the need to comment. I praise the author for their beautiful writing, amazing plot, and dynamic characters.
I can handle criticism very well, the more criticism I get the more I can help achieve my faults in my writing. I don't necessarily call myself the best writer on AFF (since I have been getting some comments like that lately and recently). Recieving long comments from readers makes me smile. I love to read comments from a story or blog that I post.
Subscribers and views... they don't really mean everything to me. It's happy to know that I have a few supporters and viewers for my stories.
I agree completely with everything that you just said :)
I love when people post any type of comment on my story, but the story really gives me more thrill than anything else :)
I once updated a fanfic everyday for a month (long chapters as well), because I got so into the story. I just wanted everything to happen, and it became an addiction.
I didn't even notice that the view count and subscriber count went up a lot, until I checked it a while later :)
I find it hard to find stories a lot of the time, so I mainly focus on my own. However, I find it hard to go back and forth between books and ff's, because the difference in writing between them is startling :O