get to know igubok




soon to be 20

What's your favorite kind of pie?

none, I'm lame

What's your favorite band/singer?


Favorite fruit(s)?

passion fruit :3

Favorite sport?

basketball, football and snowboarding

Favorite color?

Purple and brown

Favorite hair style for guys?

I don't know, all.

Curly hair or straight hair?


Would you ever get tinted windows so you could pick your nose without people seeing you?

I pick my nose even when people see me :D

Do you think shampoo bottles should have directions?


Skinny jeans or flare jeans

Skinny jeans

Do you have braces


What kind of computer do you have?

Acer something. a mini laptop.

Would you swim the ocean for Kelsey?


Are you sad about Michael Jackson’s death?


Have you ever been to a concert?

Smashing Pumpkins and My Chemical Romance

Do you know the meaning of Christmas?

It's the celebration day of Jesus Christ's birth

Do you Watch Charlie Brown


Can you apply Mascara with your mouth closed?

yeah I can

If you look behind you whats there?

My Junhyung painting I made

Do you brush your teeth daily?

sometimes I forget

Do you have any cavities?

I've had them

Have you ever broken a bone? if so how many?

my nose when I was little, that's why it looks ugly now

Ever needed stitches?


Do you still watch spongebob?

I used to, not anymore

What time do you usually go to bed?

When I want to :D

Whats your wallpaper on your phone?

Infinite's Dongwoo

Do you text people often?

Yes I do, I hate talking on the phone so I tend to text and not answer my calls

Do you have unlimited texting?


Are you a runner?


Do you like mysterious guys? Or open guys?

Kinda both.

Would you ever get a tattoo?

I have already

How about snake bites?

I've had them

Whats the song that describes your life most?

I don't really know. Something really sad and that tells about traumatic life lol

Have you ever been heartbroken?

actually not. I once thought I had but then I realized it's not that.

Whats your favorite color of shoe?

Dark red

Do you think advertisments are annoying?

yes. they're false and they take too much time

Do you ever really pay attention to comercials?


What color underwear are you wearing right now? If you're even wearing some


Would you kiss some if you were going out with someone else?


What do you wish to accomplish before you die?
Move somewhere where nobody knows me.


Are you afraid of death?

Not really, it happens when it happens and we cannot change it.

What kind of camera do you have

sanyo digital movie camera

Are you having a good year?

not really

Whats the highest number you’ve ever counted to?

I don't know, I don't like to count

How old where you when you learned how to spell your last name?


Do you forget things easily?

sometimes, but rarely

Have you bought any new music lately?

last music I bought was MBLAQ's album on iTunes store

Does going to school make you nervous?

Yeah it does. lots of pressure

Are you made fun of a lot?


Are you overly truthful?

yeah, gets me into trouble mostly but idgaf

Do you feel bad when you hurt peoples feelings (that aren’t your friends)


Do you know what 69 means?


Have you ever heard of pon and zi?



How about happy tree friends?

yeah lol they're funny

Do you get angry easily?

I'm bipolar so yes

Do you like the heat?


Do you wear glasses/contacts?


Would you ever be seen in limited too?


Can you do the math 12 x 7 in your head?

O_o no...

Is your hand cramping while taking this survey?

You underestimate my power, young jedi.

Do you have a limited time to get ready in the morning?

Yeah, but normally I don't care, I leave when I'm ready.

Do you have a celebrity crush?

...yes, I really don't like being such a teenager with my celebrity crushes but it's Jang Dongwoo

Do you think having celebrity crushes is weird?

Sorta. It's kinda weird. but I live in my imaginary world most of the time so thinking about them makes me happier.

Have you ever met a celebrity?

Yes I have, many

Would you ever die your hair neon green with pink polka dots?


Does your school have a dress code?


Are you allowed to listen to your ipod in school?


Do you even have an ipod?

Yes, the nano which is no longer even in stores. it's special!

Are you afraid of falling in love?


Have you been in love multiple times?


Do you like harry potter?

yes I like it lots! it's one amazing saga.

Do You still believe in santa?


Can you count to 100


Do you like using caps lock?

Yeah in the right situations

Do you have big hands?

I have extremely small hands, that's why I have a mini laptop lol

Do you like guys with big feet?

I don't care

Do you like fred from youtube?

no, he pisses me off

Do you think its crazy that he has shirts at hot topic?

what's hot topic?

Do you like to do projects?

Yes, essays are fun!

So what are you going to do after this?

Do another one of these even though I guess nobody will read them, but at least it kills time.


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