Pet peeves when it comes to writing -__-

Okay, I just thought I'd post some of my pet peeves when it comes to writing stories : ) pass the time LOL

  • Format I hate it when I'm reading a fic and the whole thing looks like a giant paragraph. Like, really? Is pressing the enter button THAT hard for you? It makes me cross-eyed.
  • Punctuation Another thing that I don't like is when people can't seem to tell when to put A COMMA, A PERIOD, A SEMICOLON, or A QUESTION MARK. I mean, you write it how you would say it, so...Or when people abuse the exclamation mark. Ex. [insert text]!!!!!!!!! or [insert text]?????? or {insert text]?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!? REALLY?
  • Grammar  Okay, I understand that not everyone's grammar is perfect and I'm not any less guilty than the next person. Okay, I'll make this note here. I understand if English is not your first language blah blah blah because truthfully, English is one of the hardest languages to learn. But if you keep making the same mistake again and again, it gets annoying. One thing that I can't seem to take the EVERYONE including myself does is: Ex. me and [insert name here] did this. or Me and [insert name here] did that.
  • Spelling  Okay, this also ties in with the "English not being your first language" thing.  Well, you have to admit, there's a lot of spelling rules and stuff that are kinda hard to follow if you're not fluent in English. Oh yeah, spelling words wrong doesn't make you cool! Don't do it! I'm not talking about if you're like, writing. But if you're like..chatting or something. Me personally, I'm fluent in text language so I can pretty much decipher anything but still. It's not cool! Especially if I CAN'T decipher it -__- Ex. i herd u lyk him. iz dis tru? NO! It's not true because I can't even read what you're trying to tell me!
  • Verb Tenses Yes, I know there's a lot of verb tense rules. Trust me, I at them in 6th grade. But still! I was guilty of it myself and still kind of am but I don't see why people can't keep a constant verb tense. Which are you talking about? Past, Present, or Future? I guess we won't know since YOU can't keep your verbs in order! D:<

Well, I think I'll end the rant here. I'd just like to say, please don't get mad at me. Yeah yeah, I already said I'm guilty of some of this stuff so~ NO ARUGIN'! I hope everyone's had/having a nice day :D


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I was about to rant about this, too! It pisses me off so much! (>.<)
lol i agree with most of these. sometimes when english isnt someones first language and they make that attempt at first usually they ahve lots of errors but after a secod and thrid story they usually catch these mistakes and fix them. and i was in no way offended. by this although this makes me a really conscoius writer
my pet peeves would be
when the fonts so damn freaking small or big like how do you expect me to read this without getting confused(and a headache)
when their sentences never seem to end like ummmm was that a huge paragraph or an essay of a sentence cause i see no periods i it. sorta like the sentence before this one.
when they write in script form. it takes away the feeling behond the words and makes it harder for the reader to connect with the characters in the story.
when after a long haitus writers only come back with a short short short update instead of a decent sized chapter. althought this isnt really a peeve just my own sadness.
when stories never seem to progress into the story. like ok freat their going at it in every chapter but i dont understand the story. like nothing besides happens. like if its like a bunch of one shots i loved it. but when your description shows some super angsty actiony story i expect a bit more then he ed in him with the force of a thousand bulega whales.
darnt rhwe bel i'll finish this later