Missing You T^T


those names are nicknames that we gave to each other. don't think that the names are real^^


UMAQ/UNIC(the blue one)             ZYA   AIMON/MINI               


FATRICE                                                   ALICE


FATRICE                      AIMON/MINI                            ALICE                        UMAQ/UNIC


FATRICE                                  AIMON/MINI                                          ZYA




Miss my old school and friends when we are as a gang T^T  I can meet my friends (wearing yellow clothes) at the new school, but another member of us(the blue one)??

This is the place which we make it as our official meeting place^^  we were mischievious in the past^^ we also make a group called 'BEST SENIOR/ZAAFUW(it is based on our names)'


(starting with the oldest among us)


Nyna/Nick/Amanano(me) --> positive thinker/the brain/the lawyer - because when there is any difficulty, they will ask me. i'm also the lawyer because if they had an arguement with other students, i will resolve their problem.

Umaq/Unic --> the bullies - her partner is Alice(the joker) because sometimes she bullies us, but she is actually kind^^

Zya --> widespread thinker - she always knows what going on right now/anything

Fatrice(a combination of her name and her crush^^) --> the scary vampire - when she is angry, she looks like a scary vampire, when she laughs, her laugh is loud and scary, when she is angry with you, all rude word will come out from

Aimon/Mini --> the baby - she is a crybaby. she always sulks when she did not get anything that she wants

Alice --> the joker - our maknae^^ she is a sporting one. she always jokes around, making funny faces, imitating others with weird/funny voices and creating weird dancing steps


thank you for reading this boring post^^ (this is me (the tall one is me^^) with my cousins)


fatrice, aimon, my other friend(anis) and I went for a vacation^^


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