

 creativity [13/15]

I think the poster looks quirky in a good way(is there a bad type of quirky? o_o) and it really suits the "cute, bright" theme so thumbs up d(^o^)b It would be better if you put some stuff behind the characters so that the poster does not look so plain though. Right now the only thing that has solid details to look at is L's striped shirt. Even then it's not much to look at. You see, your poster is full of patterns and solid colours and there's not enough content in the poster. It looks very flat to me since there are no imperfections that would make it, cliched-ly, perfect! The stars are a good touch but it's not enough. Maybe put in PNGs of doodles with the actual lines of the doodles? Or just random vintage PNGs that have small details on them. Hand-drawn hearts and stuff like that. Nevertheless, I think you did a great job.


immaculacy [12/15]

I'm not particularly fond of the pink lines around the characters... I don't think they were necessary and I believe your poster would look just as good without them. Also, the poster could use some brightening up/lightening. The colour scheme is good but in lighter shades, the poster would look more innocent. :3


 color usage [13/15]

All the colours complement each other well and there is a consistent use of said colours so that's great. I feel like all the colours could be brightened up a little though so yep. The pink everywhere makes the poster look cuter too. I don't really have anything to say about the colours. x_x


 typography [7/10]

I do admit that it's cute and it suits the theme really well but I feel that the emphasis is a tad wut. "you're not my ideal man but i love you." those phrases are what I assume you would want to emphasise on. The "I love you" part is definitely different than the rest of the text but just because it's different, doesn't mean it will stand out in this case. The colour of the text looks too pale so it kinda just blends in thus it's not emphasised, it's blended into the background. The random emphasis on "my" and "but" confuses me. It pulls the attention away from the rest of the title because of its bright colours thus it kinda messes with the way you read the title.


 blending [13/15]

There isn't any blending in terms of picturexbackdrop so I'll just comment on the blending of characterxcharacter in terms of colouring. It looks okay but the female character has a more of a calm, soft colouring in comparison with L. It may be due to the colours of the L render itself but I think L's render can be coloured better to make it look softer.


picture(s) used [15/15]

I don't see any problems with it because I think they kinda look like two people passing each other in the hallway or something. The female daydreaming about something and L being like, "what is up with this girl?" haha. no complaints there. :3


overall [13/15]

I think the poster is quite well done and I don't have much to complain about. Also, it's quite eye-catching which is useful to get more people to read your story >< Great job (Y)



total [86/100]

Awesome poster! I know I pointed out a couple of things but it's still amazing <3 Jalhaesseoyo... ><




The poster looks so painfully cheesy that I feel like bursting! /it'sagoodthing
It's so cute and kyaargh but I just realised that the girl looks slightly bigger than L...or is his face just small...?
Anywho, greatttt job (Y) But the colours are too solid for my liking so lighten it up abit yeah? ^^
I tried to point out the negatives rather than the positives since it's my job :P
Thanks for requesting! \o/ Sorry for taking so long ><





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teaquiIa #1
boohoo! ouo