*...Ellipsis...* [Girl Group APP]


Contact Information

AFF Username:


(our fan club name is the same as my username!!! THIS IS DAEBAK!)

AFF Profile Link:



Character Information


Lee SeungRie


E-seungie/ Lily SR

Date of Birth:

20th June 1996


Busan, Korea




Full Korean (although she is full Korean.. but she used to study in London and can speak fluent English)


|| Pic 1 || Pic 2 || Pic 3 || Pic 4 || Pic 5 ||

Ulzzang Used:

Kim Da Hye

Blood Type:





First of all E-seungie is a 4D charismatic goddess~ She sometimes goes blank.. But she is hyper.. She shouts everytime she talks.. and sometimes it is annoying.. E-seungie can talk in 3 languages Korean,English and japanesse .. She is confident in talking.. she stands out alot.. although people see her as a weird person.. but she can lead people very well.. she is well know for her charismatic side too.. E-seungie may look like a goddess and charismatic but her personality is very different!

Please excuse E-seungie's dumb jokes.. E-seungie is actually the type who likes to bully her Unnie's but she respects them alot! E-seungie is also known as a Piano Godess.. she can play the piano really well.. and he charismatic goddess looks goes well with her personality while she is on the piano~

E-seungie has this mixed type of personality.. but the one thing that stands out is .. that she is 4D! She can do a really bad impersination of a boy's voice.. she thinks she is the best at it! ... but she is good at impersinating a Crow.. she goes 'KAW~ KAW~' hehehe.. E-seungie is really good at dancing and she can to...!! 

Likes: (5+)




> Baby Blue

> Composing

> Drawing Anime (She has alot of Homemade manga comics at home)

> Baggy jeans

> Snow cap!!

> Dance (Anywhere anytime.. this is one of the reason her member are embarassed about... she even dances in the elavator at shopping malls!!)

> FOOOOOODDD!! ~~ ^^

Dislikes: (5+)



> Spicy food

> People pinching her cheeks~

> Being Aeygyo (But she only does it to get food ONLY)

> Heavy make-up

Hobbies: (5+)

> Draw/ Make homemade Mangga/Anime Comics~

> Composing songs

> She likes taekwondo.. (a black belt already)

> Playing the piano~

> Being 4d







Habits: (5+)


> Wears snow cap all the time .. (its stylish)

> Shouts when she talks

> She mouthed words if she gets scared~

> Dancing crazily when  music comes up~


Mother: a lecturer in the top university in Korea

father : Buisnessman in the states~


she is a younger sister to After school E-young.. no one knows this since.. E-young didn't say anything..

sister: E-young : Noh Lee young.. after school maknae~ 

Brother: Lee Seung Gyung ... currently studying.. isn't intrested in music.. like E-young and E-seungie.. but he respects Dujun form b2st.. since he plays Football.. and Dujun plays Football too. he has only met Dujun once..

little Brother: Lee SongHun .. A 6year old Trickster!

Family Background: 

E-seungie's parents are people who are always busy... their are very succesful in life!.. E-seungie's parents didn't actually mind what their children want to be.. they have a saying 'You'll learn from your mistakes' .. Meaning that E-seungie's parents think that their kids should just go for what ever they want.. if they made a bad turn in life.. their parents will be their to support them.. but will be the first to say.. 'I told you so' .. Her parents are very loving and understandable! How can E-seungie not love them?? Oh yeah.. one more thing.. E-seungie's parents are very good at convincing people.. like convincing their child not take the courier their going for.. their very smart!







Other Information

She is sometimes called 4D duck Feet.. because she dances alot and she is clumsy.. so instead of dancing legs she is caled 4D duck Feet~ LOL ^^

Other Jobs: 

CF model for Food 

Radio Mc

How Did You Become a Trainee?:


She became a trainee when her sister E-young uploaded a video of her dancing at the age of 11... People were wowed by her skills.. and some even encrouged her to go and audition for some things.... After E-young uploaded the video.. She kept talking about Her sister.. and she showed a video on E-seungie's Me2day account where.. E-seungie was rapping and  fooling around with her friends.. Her rapping skills weren't that bad.. and alot of people thought despite of making people laugh.. he rapping skils were DAEBAK!!...since she was just a minor model in CF's not alot of people knew about her... Woolim Ent. scouted her.. after they heard E-young's story on variety shows.. Although E-seungie is very busy with the music industry.. she still has time for school and tries to open books.. Since her mom is a Lecturer in the top Seol university .. She is studying hard.. on her latest test she got 7th place in the whole school~ A top 10 student!

Length of Trainee Years:

3 years 9 month


Any song suggestions for the group?:

How about a girl version of B1A4 - OK Girl?

it's a nice lively song.. it would make a good first imprestion of Ellipsis.. Add some awesome chreography and changed the lyrics a bit.. it be a good debut song for us~!!


Stage Information

Stage Name:



4D piano Goddess

Individual Fanclub Name:


Fanclub Color:

Light Purple


> Face of the group / Vocalist


> Main Rapper / Lead Dancer / Sub vocalist


Relationship Information

Love Interest:

> Boyfriend - KwangMin

> B2st - Hyunseung

> ZE:A - Im Siwan



His Personality: 

-Off Camera-


He is a rapper in his group just like E-seungie.. He is shy but he talks to people who are like him~ He can dance really well.. he teaches E-seungie to dance for some times.. He is still young and he sometimes doesn't know how to treat a girl very well.. But he try's.. he always ask the girl if somethings are not what she hoped to be~ He likes girls who show they rue self.. although E-seungie is loud and bubbly but Kwangmin is QUITE and Heavenly.. there is a saying ''Opposites attracts'' right?? 

(i'm trying to not make him sound perfect by putting he doesn't know how to take care of a girl very well part)

-On Camera-

He acts all innocent for the noona's and he lets his brother Youngmin.. do all the talking~

Pet names: > (Mini Min -Boy- .. 4D lily -gIRL- ~ or Pikachu Nerd -bOY- and SnowCap Nerd -Gurl-

How Did You Met?:



                       Kwangmin and E-seungie aren't really in a relationship.. but the see eachother often.. they both like eachother any everybody knows.. but they are just kids.. so they have to learn expressing their feelings out~

                       E-seungie meet Kwangmin when she was still in high-school and Kwangmin is training .. they go to the same school~ One day E-seungie wanted to practice her dance step for an upcoming art test.. when she tried to opened the door to a studio she normally uses it was locked.. so she decided to use the one across the hallway.. she practiced in there for about 2 and a half hours when suddenly a group of guys came and Kwangmin was in the group.. The boys were wowed at her dancing skills.. but because E-seungie was afraid to be in the room without permission she decided to hurry and get out.. after walking out.. she noticed she forgotten her favourite Snow cap.. and she peeked through the door.. and saw Kwangmin dancing to the same song that she had been dancing too.. E-seungie decided to wait until the last boy went out the room to get her cap.. and it was Kwangmin who was the last person... she asked permission.. and kwangmin talked to her about her steps.. they became close after Kwangmin helped her out in her dancing which made her pass her test!! 


> Uee (AS)

> Ricky (Teentop)

> Jeongmin (Boyfriend)

> Hyeri (Girls Day)

> Taeyeon (Snsd)


Best Friends: 

> Sunny (Snsd)

> Soyeon (T-ara)

> Key (Shinee)


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