
`Kim Taeyeon



call me kim taeyeongive me presents on march 9th.
try to bend down and kiss me at--- you know what, you dont need to know my height.
lift my light body up at--- you 
dont need to know that either.
listen to my group snsd.
don't ever try to steal my boy, jung daehyun.

`my busan wonbin

you see this guy? he's mine.
dont ever try to steal him or you will die.
you can try if you wanna. but i warned you.
he is mine and only mine.

`my best peas


-and mur to beh added-



kay so i made this for my rp. lol. is it good? i feel like i improved :3



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. eek I love this <3

. anw can I ask this?
. how to do the stripe (??) around the picture like that gif...thank you ^^