
I'm so disappointed to those people who just ignore.

I hate those people who never care.

Yeah, you're talented and full of skills

but you're heartless.

I don't care if your better and popular than me (if ever)

But if you don't want to help, please just say "NO"

simple word but, u still can't?

are u blind or deaf?

It irritates me that I even try to be nice, patient, and most of all understanding!

but u don't even care at all? wth!

u eat ur skills and talent if ever u really had.

I hope someday you'll be successful with that monsterous attitude!

I'm so depressed searching for those WHO WANT TO HELP then, u?

u just commented nothing but a selfish thingy!??

OMGee~ enough. I won't be good anymore.


trainee camp


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and the person you are talking about is~? /tell me tell me/ OwO