The Do's, Have's, What's, and Who's + About You (Taken From gordeebrubaduck)

Do you believe there is life on other planets?  Yep. The universe is big, so there's a chance that there is life on other planets.
Do you believe in miracles? Yep.
Do you believe in magic? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.
Do you believe in Satan? Well, God is real, and he's for the kind people. Satan... Maybe yes.
Do you like roller coasters? SUPER. There was this one time, where my aunt was screaming her head off and I was there... Sitting and looking bored... XD
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? NOOOOO! I STILL LOVE MY STOMACH.
Have you ever asked someone out? Nope. Never in my life... But if you consider confessing in front of a computer to your idol... Then yes XD
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Once... When I was 8 years old :D He confessed to me and I was like "NONONONONONONO"
Have you ever been to the ocean? Nope... But the sea yes(duh) XD
Have you ever painted your nails? Yep. Hated the color though...
What is the temperature outside? I don;t care and know XD
What radio station do you listen?  Anything that plays the song I like.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?  Hm... I last ate at Viking's(a buffet in the Philippines)
What was the last thing you bought? Wintermelon Milktea. 100% sugar. Pearl for sinkers :D
What was the last thing on TV you watched?  Pilipinas Got Talent(a show in the Philippines)
Who was the last person you IM'd? None
Who was the last person you took a picture of? My family :D
Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?  I really don't say "I love you too" or "I love you" to anyone... Well maybe KPOP idols :D
Ever really cried your heart out? I;ve cried hard, but never really cried my heart out.
Ever cried yourself to sleep? Nah, I finish crying a while before I go to sleep.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Uh... No... But my friends cry on my shoulder ;)
Ever cried over the opposite ? Well yeah... But because they teased me :P Stupid boys in my school T^T
Do you cry when you get an injury? Sometimes...
Do certain songs make you cry?  Yes...
Are you a happy person? You could say I'm bipolar...
What is your current hair color? Blackish brown.
What shirt are you wearing? Brown shirt with a picture of Belle...
Shoes?  None at the moment.
Necklaces? None.
Underwear? Pink with small cupcake designs... BTW, this is really awkward saying that
Eye color? Blackish brown.
Short or long hair: Long...
Height: Never cared XD


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