ABC Test - stolen from demetria

ABC Test!


A-AVAIBLE: forever alone

B-BIRTHDAY: November 18

C-CRUSHING ON: N & Kris & Leo & Sunggyu & Suho & Chanyeol

D-DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Watermelon shake

E-EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: uri chingu, Sandra-yo

F-FAVORITE SONG/S: as of the moment, INFINITE's Julia

H-HOMETOWN: Davao City


J-JUGGLE: can't do it

K-KILLED SOMEONE: In my mind, at least


M-MILK SHAKE FLAVOR: chocolate or banana

N-NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: one older sister

O-ONE WISH: to grow taller

P-PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: myself (2nd number, it was new so)

R-REASON TO SMILE: the aircon is

S-SONG YOU LAST HEARD: 2ne1's Pretty Boy

T-TIME YOU WOKE UP: 12:30 pm

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: green, i think, light green

V - VEGETABLES: not so much

W - WORST HABIT: laziness


Y - YOYOS ARE: fun

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio


Random Questions About You:


Spell your name without vowels: Jn Cldtt Tng


Your favorite number: 18


What color/s do you wear most? Black, Blue, White


Least favorite color? Pink


What are you listening to? Nothing


Are you happy with your life right now? Yeah


What is your favorite class in school? History & Computer


Who is your best friend? uri chingudeul, secret


Are you outgoing? I don't know


Favorite pair of shoes? sneakers (vans and converse are love)


Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? I don't eat cherries


Can you whistle? Yup, spent one summer practicing


Write with both hands? I can


Cross your eyes? Can do it


Walk with your toes curled? I'd get cramps




Do you believe there is life on other planets? Of course


Do you believe in miracles? Not so much


Do you believe in magic? No, it's all tricks


Do you believe in Satan? Yes


Do you like roller coasters? No


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows? Depends, what do I get from it??




Have you ever asked someone out? Yes, but only as a joke.


Have you ever been asked out by someone? Depends on how you put it.


Have you ever been to the ocean? Yes


Have you ever painted your nails? No




What is the temperature outside? I'm frying an egg on the street - hot


What radio station do you listen? 89.1, but I don't listen to the radio so much anymore


What was the last restaurant you ate at? Picobello, just last night


What was the last thing you bought? chicken burger from McDo


What was the last thing on TV you watched? KBS' Gag Concert




Who was the last person you IM'd? I don't do IM


Who was the last person you took a picture of? Me


Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? I don't say ILY very much


Ever really cried your heart out?  Of course


Ever cried yourself to sleep? I think so


Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? I don't know, probably not.


Ever cried over the opposite ? Nope


Do you cry when you get an injury? Of course


Do certain songs make you cry? Yes, especially those with "straight to the heart" meanings




Are you a happy person? Yep


What is your current hair color? Black



What shirt are you wearing? green t-shirt


Shoes? I'm barefooted


Necklaces? Nope


Underwear? I have one on, of course



Eye color: Very dark, almost black brown


Short or long hair: middle length, not too short but not too long (had my haircut)


Height: don't even ask




Been to jail: No


Thought about suicide: I have, wondered what it's like, then realize I'd be too scared to do it. OTL


Thrown up in a store: ...uh no.


Done something really stupid that you still laugh about: I think so, yeah.


Seen a dead body: the ones inside the coffin


Been on drugs: : Medicine is a kind of drug, y'know. but illegal drugs, no. I'm clean




Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi


McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's


Couple or Group Dates: Group


Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate


Strawberries or Blueberries: None


Meat or Veggies: Meat


TV or Movie: both


Guitar or Drums: Guitar


Adidas or Nike: ...none (converse and vans !!)


Chinese or Mexica: Chinese


Cheerios or Corn Flakes: I like 'em both


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