i'm a filo who looks korean to my fellow filos...

what color shirt are you wearing now?
what song did you sing last or try to sing last?
>President OST by Super Junior
if you tried to sing it did you fail?
>yes, bad... =="
if you meet a hot boy/girl would you go up to them and ask for their number?
what if a hot girl/boy asks you for your number, would you give it to them?
>maybe... kekeke
what was the last song you danced to?
>Miss A's Bad Girl Good Girl
what was the gayest tv show/movie you watched?
when was it and what was your reaction?
>when i was a kid and my reaction was "WTF... what the hell this guy cant even reach his head."
your favorite singer/band?
>Super Junior <3
if its a band who's your bias?
>Heenim Heechul
can you your elbow?
did you just try your elbow?
>yes~ >////>
your ideal type?
>Heenim Heechul
whats your dream job?
what do you think of the questions?
>first impression is gay... :D


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