Self Quiz [DontSprayPerfume]

Well I saw someone do this and I was like : O_O oh my shisus I wanna try (o^_^o) so here I am!

1)If you could have another name, what would it be? - Leah Kong (my last name is actually is kong ^^)

2)What country do you want to be born in? - South Korea ^^

3) Name three people who make you laugh.- Onew, my brother, myself -_- (I need friends)

4)How many sibling do you have?- four (Im the only girl)

5)What's your favorite sport to do and watch?- Track (Heehee I run from people who try to ask me questions)

6)What's your first Kpop song?- Juliette from Shinee

7)What's your favorite color?- white (It's so pure!!!)

8)What are you in your group of friends [i.e. aegyo master, the quiet one?] The loud one who should be put in a mental instute

9)If you had the chance to change your fate would you?- I really don't know :/ would you?

10)Who's your favorite disney princess?- Sleeping beauty (she sleeps a lot like me except I look like a walrus giving birth when I sleep)

11)If you had one message to your teachers and classmates, what would it be?- I missed school for a good reason (^.~)

12)Name threee talents you have.- Singing, Ballet, staying up for a whole day (12am to 12am again)

13) f you were to join a girl group which would it be?- Miss A

14) If you we're to join a boy group which would it be? Exo-M [so I can get close to Kris and Luhan (>///<) ]

15)Are you a potterhead,demigod,narnian, or a tribute?- Do you even know me anymore???

16)Who's your favorite english singer?- Cher Lloyd

17)Who's your role model in life?- Xi Luhan (I want to master the rubik's cube 0.0)

18)Who's your online bestfriend?- The internet [DERP]

19)Are you a female seagull who does your own make up?- Seriously guys WTF is that???

20)What's your favorite quote?- One day i will be a super hero and be all like PEW PEW PEW PEW^^ (I made my own quote LVL. BOSS)

So there you have it try it you'll like it ^^

I am BlasianAegyo and I approve this message (o^_^o)


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