
so here's what happened with me and i hope to hear an advice ><

hmm so i have this one friend here , we are not really that much of a close friends but still friend

so anyways 5 days ago she called me saying she needed my help because she is studing here but she can't speak russian and she don't have any girls friends who can speak but me so she told me to go with her

i told her to call me when she confirm the place and time so that i can go with her, she called me the next day but the only thing she mentiond was that it's tomorrow so i told her i have lesson that day but since she was going to go around 10am so i can go because my lesson start at 2pm .but she told me that she'll call when she know the place 

the next day i woke up at 8am and waited for her call but she never called so i thought it was replaced or something

anyway that day at 4pm when my lesson was done i went out of the university, but my mom was with me she was at the center too and told me to call her so we can go back home together , when i was done i tried to call my mom but my phone's servise wasn't avilable so i was stuck in front of the university for about 15 minutes till i turned off the phone and turned it on again, when the service was back i saw that i have so many messages of this girl. i was so shocked because that means the girls had called me all the day long and i just didn't see it 

however when i recalled her she said she tried to call me but couldn't reach me and she even waited me for over an hour infront of our 'supposed to be' place to meet.

but why did she wait for me if she never even told me the place? i mean how was i supposed to meet up with her if i didn't even know where?

anyway she maid me feel really guilty because she was turned down because of me

and to make it worse the next day she called me asking me to lend her a huge amount of money , it's not that i don't have it but my mother didn't let me, my mother don't know the girls and never met her before so she doesn't trust her and of course she didn't let me lend it to the girl no matter how much i tried, so i had to turned down the girl again

what do i do?

i really can't face her anymore

i mean how can i?

what should i do?

i really don't know what to do ><

it's my fault right? i know it is :'( 

i'm really worried of what is she thinking of me now ><


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kpopteddy1030 #1
It's not your fault ..said to her what happened that your phone not having a service or your phone is weird, and your mom is right about lending the money she's not your really close friend.
don't blame yourself it's not your fault
no it is not u'r fault unni.
what are u supposed to do about u'r phone not having service
i think u'r mother took the right decision about not lending the money cause who knows for what she is asking the money for
any ways the meeting is not u'r fault see did not even tell u the place
so don't think about it that much just let it go
Unnie it wasn't your fault that your phone wasn't working properly or that your mum wouldn't let you lend her money because like you said she isn't really a close friend and if it was me I wouldn't lend money to someone who's not that close to me
You should explain to her that your phone was being weird and that your mum won't let you lend her money and she'll prob understand...
unnie do't worry about it~~ and like you said how could you have gone to meet her if she didn't tell you where?
Just try to tell her as best as you can what happened like you did here
It's not ur fault unnie
U tried ur best to help her
U should tell her ur mom wouldn't let u
She might understand
Ur very nice I wouldn't lend money to someone idk long either xD