i have learnt the dance

so after an hour of learning the normal speed version

thirty minutes learning each part in slow and mirrored

a hundred times doing the half speed version which is mirrored

and a bit of a lot of cursing and crying because of watching hansol dance it;


gosh, the first part was freaking easy, but then it came to the leg splitting part and i was like

my knee oh crap my knee!

but i finished the dance, and i can dance along without having to look at the screen

except for the leg splitting part because gull, that shizz hurts to do.

so yeah, i have learned Brian Puspos' Wet the Bed choreography.


it shows how much time i have that can be used updating some of my stories, but instead, i learn a new dance that no one's going to see except me and my mirror reflection /creys

anyways, what english dance do you guys know and for how long you have learned it? was it easy or hard? :)


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.........well um considering that i can't dance to save my life omg how are you so fast orz
u learn it so fast :O
Oh! I love Brian Puspos' Wet the Bed dance XP. It's so cool. My best friend loves him so much that her love rubbed off to me -_-.
Record you dancing! I want to see it XP
I dunno, but congratz on learning the dance! I wish I could learn too since Hansol is my bias and the dance is cool :(