just had been electrified…


Yeah right I’ve been staring at the laptop for so long when I finally got the urge to pee… my mom turned off all the lights so it’s pretty dark… since the comfort room’s light was quite broken, I have to open the lights from the living room just to find my way towards my destination… normally I’ve memorized the path towards the switch and I have to raise my hand coz its quite high…


upon having my finger touch the switch, I suddenly felt a surge of electricity flow on me… it took me about 5 minutes before  I regained my composure T.T whew luckily it wasn’t that bad… I hurriedly opened the light to my room to see what the hell happened and there I found out that the switch was bare open…


aaaarrrrgh and my mom didn’t told me about stuffs… (Seriously is she trying to kill me?) Anyway if such cases happened to be a critical one, I might be suffering a quite severe situation right now since it was my dominant hand that got in contact with the bare switch,


Ouch my hand >.<




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kolmilyo #1
i freakin' love that dubuness delight!
and don't start me with Jaeboo.
scary T.T
Becareful! I got my hand shocked once when I was younger, except it we paralyzed for a little bit and I ended up in the hospital, it's not fun, especial if it's the hand you use to write with! I hope you're hand is feeling better!!!! :D
13Believe #4
be careful ^^
Jkitty_123 #5
Gosh scary
And u always put the two at the end they r so hot
Youd didn't let go the abre switch for 5 minutes? O,O
Amoona #7
thats good thaT YOU ARE OK
and its good you are okay. <3
Keep safe next time... and make sure you don't slip or anything. :/
Tell your mom to close the switch, it's really dangerous. Good your hand wasn't wet!