Happy Birthday Youngbae Oppa~!


Right from the first second I looked at you two years ago, I knew I had it bad. First came all the music videos, saving all the pictures/gifs, and watching all the variety shows and interviews. 
It's been two years since I've discovered you and you have and will always be my ultimate bias. 
You're so adorable, yet you can be a freaking god and it messes with my emotions sOOO MUCH it ain't funny!!!1!
You're so inspiritational, how you're so grateful to your fans, it's amazing. Your eyesmile makes me cry and you're the most genuine loving person ever. You got da swag overload and your singing/dancing skills is just no i can't even. 
You're talented on so many levels, and that's one of the reasons why I love you so much. 
I love your dorky ways and all your derps are still so beautiful to me lel. 
example,       and   
                                                                                LOOK AT DAT FRIKIN FACE, HAH STILL SO CUTE.
i know probably no one will read this, but i love you sososososososoos much Youngbae, and I always will. 
Happy Birthday again! <3 




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