I wrote this in the middle of writing the update for "I Belong to Young Master L!" since I got stuck with a single line. LOL.


Here are things about me that I thought you, my friends, should know before you start thinking I'm actually an alien lifeform from the 5th dimension:


1. I hate ICED TEA and anything remotely similar to its taste. I dislike (meaning I can tolerate it if I'm forced to drink it but it still disgusts me) almost every drink on the planet except Coke and mineral water.


2. I'm scared of mascots such as a guy in a Barney suit. I can't figure out if there's a person inside or the thing is actually real.


3. I have a habit of memorizing plate numbers of public vehicles such as buses and cabs that I ride in. This started when I was in the 5th grade when I left my first phone in a taxi and never got it back.


4. My 5th boyfriend taught me how to play CoD, DoTA and HoN. Now I play more than he does.


5. I once skipped school for a whole week just to focus on watching k-pop videos and read fanfics.


6. I personally never label any relationship as hetero or homo. Love is just love, no strings attached, no titles at the end.


7. Almost all my clothes are black. The few remaining are white and gray. Any other color given to me, I donate to charity or pass on to my sister.


8. I seldom talk out loud and just tend to listen to other people's bull but I can type and converse through chat extremely quickly, like 80 words per minute quickly.


9. My favorite food is a native Filipino dish called dinuguan...which translated to English basically means "pig's intestines and skin in pig's blood". It sounds yucky, but it tastes heavenly.



10. The thing I dislike the most is boredom. If you're a boring person, I won't talk to you. If something is boring, like an event or lesson, I skip or sleep. 




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Okay, totally adoring you now. XDDD
Love everyone you mentioned!! Esp. Ryukkie, he's is soooo amusing and funny and his apple obsession was contagious. XDD
toujourspur7 #2
LOL, same again. i love death note. love light yagami. love ryuk. love LLawliet. love mellow n near!
actually, light is reffered to death note 8D
I wanted my AFF friends to get to know me better, esp my preferences.

That's one of the reasons why I put this random blog here. LOLz. XDD
you're still a human. everybody has their own preferences and dislikes. even me xD
I added you as a friend because you had "Light" in your name and he's like my favorite anime character evaaaah (seen Death Note yet??).

Okay, I was just kidding. (Oh me and my failness T________T)

I add people who write interesting stories since I'd usually think they'd be very interesting people to get to know as well. XDDDD
toujourspur7 #6
bleeeh, iced tea tasted disgusting. XP how can people put "that" on their mouth. kkkkkk XXXDDD
so, you added me as oyour favourite friend. there is "black" in my name. hahaha
*just kid*
@LightSchwarz: Finally! Someone who understands my pain!! XDDDD

EVERYBODY I know think I'm a stuck-up prude or a weirdo alien for disliking iced tea. T___T

Black's my favorite color as well. It goes well with everything, even my horribly twisted personality.

toujourspur7 #8
are you my twin? you're same with me. i hate iced tea very much! *hospitalized 4 3days because of that*
n i love balck, only black. schwarz means black.