Sad Story of Today...

Today I had a really bad and really good day. Let me fill you in. Sit down, sit down...

Starting with the bad one. OK, my friends (antis) I talked about in the last post... They were really mean to me today. :(

We had just been told by our teachers about our annual after-exams field trip. So we're sooo happy and excited... Our teachers had said that we can form our own groups. My friends (not-antis) were thinking of making a 6 people group, two of them, and the four antis. That makes me and my trip partner groupless, and there's 2 people that we don't like left out and one person. So that really makes me feel uncomfortable. Like, KYAA! Please!

So I tried to talk to them. Let's make a 8 people group, 4 people and 4 people. The 4 antis in one; me, my partner and the two not-antis friends in another. So, it's like a Cube and SM group. Get it? 

I guessed it was all settled! But NO!

My partner was a talkative and loud person who's not afraid to tell people they're annoying or etc. *I admire her right now!* The 3 antis don't like her (1 anti wasn't present). I was thinking, "YAH! WHAT THE HECK? YOU THINK YOU OWN THE SCHOOL? YOU THINK YOU PAID FOR THE TRIP? YOU THINK YOU PAID FOR THE BUS? HUH?!" 


But I controlled myself but still...

So they persuaded me to change partners with one person up there. Actually, one person already asked me to be her bus partner and I accepted, but as my partner asked me to be her partner, so I said yes. And I've already made it OK with one person. Besides, one person is friends with one of the people I don't like. 

The reason why I like my partner is she's fun to talk to, hyper, funny, a little crazy and a Potterhead like me. Eventhough she's annoying at times, sometimes bossy, straightforward and such, but she's OK! Why do they need to make it so hard for me to even go on the trip?

And they suggested lies and cover stories to tell my partner. I said, "If you want me to change partners, then do it yourself. Tell her so." Because I wasn't the one who wanted to change, but them. IDK what they're doing, and I don't want to be included in that.

At first, I did like some confused blank face and act stupid, but it didn't work.

Then I did a joke about 1 anti was something. So she said it was Shindong. 

She knew I was an ELF that likes Shindong, so I was pissed. So I said it was Yoseob (B2ST). The antis liked loved were obsessed were more than obssessed with B2ST. And I was thinking, "Serves you right..." 

But it was more like...

Because she immediately told one of her anti friends about what I said. She was a real Yoseob lover. -____-" I mean like, it was a joke, pabo... And she was beating me up...


Yeah... And they spreaded what I said among themselves and were talking behind my back... Yeah... It happens. All the time.

And when I was sitting close to them and my not-anti friend... Of course, they were still badmouthing me, like I was invisible. When I was asking about their plans, they said "Woooa~ No anti-B2ST here!" and pushed me... They even pushed me with my face. :( "I'm not anti-B2ST! Chincha!" I said, because I'm not. I'm ANTI-THEM! They always think B2ST is the only thing in the world with their other KPOP favourite groups and other groups are just trash. 

So when I finally give up, I went to sit at the table next to them with my not-anti friend. I heard one of them said as she wrote in a book, "    A I N".. *Ain's my name*

I've been criticised worse, I think. -___- 

And my 3 not-antis friends were supposed to go to my house today, but only one was confirmed going. The other two's answers were quite... hazy.

And I pictured in my mind, my friend and I in my room reading manga. Only one. 

That clearly swept all the good mood (from going to the trip to my friends coming to my house today) in me, and made me really depressed. So I just sat at another table, far from the antis and emo. 

Of course, my not-anti friend *at the table near the antis* heard them all and she was ... like ... huh, IDK. She looked annoyed. But she was reading a book, so I left her to it and decided not to talk, yet. 

I just wished I had an MP3 or an iPod or something... Or earphones... Aish! Why didn't I just borrowed my friend's? It would really help me. I love listening to music. It helps with my mood, see?


So that's my depressing story... The happy one... :( Maybe later... I'm still in sad memories of today...

♥ ('n<)v


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Gumawo... :) Huh... They're always like that. If they hate someone, they'll really show how much they hate them.
min_jae11 #2
.ohh.why are they like that..hmp..cheer up.:)