

Everything I should write just running through my head and I can't really write down every single stuff but I'm writing this because of the 51 precious people who added me to their frinds and because of the 957 subscribers who like what I'm writing. For the first time I thought I won't have more than 100 subbies but I kept writing. Even with a lot grammar errors (_ _) But in english the whole thing is more worldwide than If I would write it in my own language. Actually in my country there isn't a lot K-pop fan i.i

Joined on Aug 27, 2012.
Almost a year passed since I joned here. I'm so happy that I can share my stories. I'm writing because when I'm doing it the world is I off, there are only the monitor the keyboard and me. I can forget about the stuff that happend in the school or in the past and I can forget every of my problems. I never tried to write an angst before my JongKey one. I'm hurt enought why should I hurt the other people out there? This was what I thought but that story turned out really well. There is a lot stuff I'm sad because of and I don't want to tell that whole to you because I'm sure everyone have their own problems. Actually I wouldn't use the world sad....It's something else I can't tell what, I can't define but I feel it and it sometimes makes me cry. I never planned to write this post, and it shouldn't turn out like this but there it is, I know the half of you won't read at all and won't read this last line even if he/she started, but still, I want to tell you that subbing and adding me friend makes me smile every time I see the orange sign on the left ♥



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