So, hi!

Hello! Hmm, I've never written a blog post in asianfanfics before O:
So, I've actually read a lot of fics and written a lot. But I never post my fics up (because I'm retarded) and yeah. I comment a lot, though. And I really appreciate the people who 'friend' me back and thank me for my comments because I'm sure my comments are pretty retarded >< I usually read only ORI3 (Dooseob, Junseung, Kiwoon) stuffs cause I'm a B2UTY like that, lol. But I still adore lots of pairings and I'm real proud of all the writer's courage! You don't have to be grammatically correct (although we would appreciate that) or have good spelling (although this is quite important). You just have to have the creativity and imagination to write! So yup, thanks guys! <3


Much love,
FelzzChiuh :)


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