additional mathematics + me = hell

so today's paper was additional mathematics. 

paper 1 and paper 2.

since i studied for paper 1, i could say i can answer the question (tho i left 3 question blank because there wasn't enough time)

and for paper 2...........

gawd feel like banging my head. 

it's so effing hard that i just stared at the questions for good 10 minutes.

and i slept too. 


i'm gonna fail this paper ;__;

well i hope my teacher doesn't scold me too hard or something -.-


and for my vacation this december. booooom~

yesterday it was confirmed but today seems like happens.

the package does not ing exist.

need to search for new agency and blah.

i hope everything goes well. 

orz halp.


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I just completed a Japanese exam and I'm so angry I forgot ONE hiragana I've been studying all morning. I have an English one next period too :c