aff quiz?


Everyone else is doing it, so I may as well.


1. How many fanfics do you currently have? (Including those on hiatus)

17. But two of them are review shops. And three of them are.....dead. 


2. How many unique subbers at the moment?

448. Like guise, I'm crying right now. TT TT 


3. How many people are in your PM conversations? But most of them aren't really chatty type of PMs. 


4. How many current karmas?

1144. Just cuz my subs are so awesome. Otherwise, I'd be dead broke. 


5. How many people are on your friend list?

108. Random people friend me lol. And then they never talk to me. T.T 


6. How many fics are you planning/ updating/going to update today?

Today? None.
Within the next week? None. ARE YOU KIDDING ME, FINALS ARE COMING UP. 
Within the next month or so? Hopefully, three? Likely, none. T.T Or maybe one. 


7.How many OTPs are in your most subbed fic?

None. I've never written an OTP. 


8. How many subbers are there in your most subbed fic? (Include link)

Monster Inside Me. The number keeps fluctuating, but it's around the 213 mark right now. I'm crying because that is the iest story ever. However, if you get technical with the average of subscribers divided by the number of chapters, it's At the Eleventh Hour. 


9. What was your first fic ever? (Include details)

Like the Birds, originally titled [love+connection=] or something along that line. IT WAS THE MOST AWFUL STORY EVER. GUISE DON'T LOOK AT IT. I SWEAR, I COMMIT EVERY CRIME AND SIN OF WRITING FANFICTION. I talked to Mike about this T.T It truly was awful. It was a Key/OC fic. Had a good plot. BUT THE WRITING STYLE AND FORMAT AND EVERYTHING GAHHHHHH.....IT BLINDS ME EYES. IT BURNS. 



Yep! That's all for now!


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sorry if I don't talk to you~~
Start a convo with me because I talk to so many people I lose count of who I've talked to and who I havent talked to ^^
and if you don't want that prob;em only add people once they've talked to you XD
official #2
Haha funny, because in a forest of "EXO'S BAAACCCCCCKKKMKKHKGUKDJYS5USR5!!!!" blogs, i click on yours.
brb checking out like the birds