short life xo

So I recently cut my hair and is short. I had it short before but I had let my mother cut it and thar wasn't a good idea. One side of my hair was longer than the other lol but I lived. Its up to my shoulder and I'm loving it. XD some if my amigos are saying I look like boy and I'm like ayyyyyyeeeee!!! (I'm a tomboy/well somewat I guess) so I thank them like a BOSS YES SIRRR. Anyways because I'm slow and I haven't took a pic of my hair I cant show y'all wonderful so I'm sowwy. OTL Two more years and ima cut it like a boy or like every other Korean Guy has it. Well that's all I wanted to say. Oh yea that reminds me its raining soooooo the lights might go off. Ima sneak out and play in the rain like a kid cuz im a G ayeee


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