Laurennie's Birthday~!

Annyeonghaeseyo~! Welcome to my birthday party!

I'll be turning five today~! May 16th, 2013.

Please enjoy the party neh? 


Come sit down and enjoy the food, cupcakes, sweets, and giftbags!~

Grandpa Seokkie helped me think of the theme and what to get (^^) Thank you grandpa!





Umma, Granpda Seokkie, Hyorin unnie, Minwoo Appa, Chany umma, Thank you for being 

here with me on this special day~ I want to spend my next birthday with you guys again.

I love you guys with all of my heart! I don't want to see you guys sad okay?

Always be happy! (^__^) Smile neh? Srangheyo! 


Thank you for coming to my party!~ Please grab a giftbag and tiara on your way out! Annyeong~






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*bows and smiles*
Happy Birthday, Lauren-chan.
*holds out a box*
Happy birthday my beautiful princess!!
*hugs you*
You are such a big girl! I hope you are having a great fifth birthday!! I love you!!
*holds out a little box*
Wow~ great party you have here Laurennie~ *gives you a hug
Happy Birthday dear Laurennie~
Your welcome lil sis *grins

Ne , we will spend your birthday again together *nods
I love you 5ver *does heart shape with my hands
Alright , I'll smile for you Laurennie *smiles brightly

Go here to get your present *winks
CC_JoKwangmin #4
Kyah~~~ Happy birthday Pika buddy~
*smiles brightly and pinches your cheeks*
CC-Dahyun #5
Yahh~! /giggles and picks you up, hugging you tightly
Happy birthday Princess~! /grins