Favorite Eunhae Writer of All Time

Out of tons of Eunhae writers out there, there're some that i hardly forget. Basically, because they are great with capital G. Their style, their story, the flow and i can swear they can make it to be profesional writer! It's like i'm struggling all this while to be able stand on their level, which is still in vain for now, but it's one of my hope.Cne day... defintely one day.

And i'm absolutely at narating, here we go, my Fav Eunhae Writers:

-Aidenrose She's the kind of writer whom their work is lasting for, like, ever. I can't tell why, but her writing is realistic and captivating. I keep thinking of her works when i short out good read. Unfortunately, she stopped writing.

-Tewki Oh well, she's kinda like God. i'm not kidding, and i told her that. Not a surprise, i'm sure everybody know her.

-Drawingintheair Her works is something you could consider as heavy reading. I'm sure if you at English, you'll have hard time to understand. Outstanding. There's 3 other similar writer as her and they gathered their work in one place. It's like, the most briliant thing ever. 

-Melina (known as chagyaron, mishapantiness, gamia) I love her writing style. Easy and fun to read. How should i say this... when you read hers, you'll get the impression of freedom, y'know like, she doen't give a damn about anything. Unfortunately, she stopped writing Eunhae. She writes Kyumin mostly now.

-themagiczebra (AFF) You don't know her? You must be kidding me.

-I'll add more later :D



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