"Let go." She demanded. 

He tightened her grip around her wrist and if only this would keep her by his side. Before he knew it, she flung her arm in a big movement, jerking him aside. At that instant, he felt like a ragged doll being thrown aside after its owner got bored. Just like a doll, he had no say. Those eyes were fixated on her, finding traces of what she used to be.

"You're not like this before." He finally said.

She flashed a smile which seemed so foreign. For a moment, he couldn't recognize her anymore.

"People changes."

He did not say anything.

"Grow up, Dongwoo." She added.

He couldn't bring himself to shamelessly laugh at her words and pretend it was nothing but a joke anymore. Turning her back on him, she walked away. He knew she was walking away and out of her life. Dongwoo wanted to chase after her and beg her to stay, but she told him to grow up. Those two words were implying for him to be independent and live a life without her. Just like before, he couldn't do otherwise. He only listened to her.

"Not overnight. People don't change overnight, Jisun-ah." He whispered to her back.

She had tears in her eyes, but she did not turn back. Not even once.



ps. I got sleepy so I typed this up to stay awake.



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Aww, this is cool.
green_teax #2
omggg. you should just create a collection and post there :D
This is really daebak ; ; can totally imagine it in my head