❝maxstyle application form

the application!


 greetings from pluto

username ¦  Kraydaughter

activiness ¦ 9


 let's learn the basics

character's name ¦ Park Soojoon

nickname(s) ¦  n/a

age ¦  22

birthdate ¦  03/09

birthplace ¦  Seoul, South Korea

hometown ¦  Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity ¦  Korean

blood type ¦  AB

height ¦  165 cm

weight ¦ 54 kg

uality ¦ het.

languages ¦ Korean (native) - English (conversational) - japanese (basic)


▬  dayum, you're looking good

first faceclaim ¦ Girim

links ¦ one - two - three - four - five

backup faceclaim ¦ Baek Jaeah

links ¦ one - two - three - four - five

style ¦

extra ¦ two piercings on her right ear


▬  let's talk about you

personality ¦

>> onscreen: Soojoon is quiet calm and doesn't talk a lot. it's not because she's trying to show her charisma or it is her image, but she is just afraid that she will make mistakes eventough it's a small mistakes. when they are in the group interview, Soojoon smiles a lot and just answer the question for her or when the other members want Soojoon to answer it. when she performs, she becomes a charismatic rapper. she put a lot efforts on it because she wants to be known as a talented rapper, not the rapper that her company told her to. Soojoon always do her best to make her family and her fans proud.

>>backstage: Soojoon  will be more talkative. she likes to start a conversation to everyone around her. she is very polite, she bows to everyone around her. she is also friendly. that's why many seniors and juniors like her.

>>friends and family: Soojoon will be a hyperactive and loud person around her family. she is never afraid making mistake around them. she really likes to make jokes eventough it's not that funny. she is also a caring person, she will takes care of her friends and family whenever they need her. she is also a good listener. and also she acts like a big sis to her friends and her family.

>>strangers: eventough she likes to start a conversation with everyone, she is awkward with strangers. and she doesn't trust strangers easily. she will stare at them suspiciously.

>>overall: Soojoon has the different personalities when she's onstage and offstage. but she always be Soojoon that always works hard for her dream, cares for others, and polite to everyone. she always do her best. and that's why people like her.

background ¦

           Park Soojoon was born in Seoul, South Korea on Semptember 3rd. She born and raised in a well-educated family. Soojoon's father is a teacher while her mother is a businesswoman. She has a brother named Park Soohyun. Since she was a kid, her father always enrolled her to a reputable schools. her father always want her to be a teacher like him. but one day, Soojoon saw a clip of famous rapper on the tv. she thought that maybe it will be cool if someday she can be like him. so she learned how to speed-talking and started to learn about music. But Soojoon's father found out about this and got angry at her. Then her father sent her to a boarding school, a place that he thought his daughter can changes her dream. but he was wrong. when Soojoon was in the boarding school [second year of high school], she sent her video secretly to the company. and unbelievably, she got accepted. but unfortunately, since she was a minor, she need her parent's for agreeing the contract. so she revealed the truth to her parents and after a long discuss with her mother, her father finally signed the contract. so she became the company's trainee and started to improve her other skills.

likes ¦

  • grey
  • seafood
  • coffee, especially caramel latte
  • soda
  • fried chicken
  • patbingsoo
  • romantic-comedy movies
  • ice cream
  • ramyun
  • white chocolate

dislikes ¦

  • dark chocolate
  • horror movies
  • human-like doll
  • red-colored things
  • bugs
  • strawberry milk
  • cheese

fears ¦ dogs

hobbies ¦ composing, playing video games, watching tv, reading.

habits ¦ early in the morning, she drinks at least one cup of coffee to makes her fully wake up - hugs something when she's asleep, if not she can't sleep at all - bites her lower lip when she is nervous - read fanfiction before going to bed.

trivia ¦

  • a bigfan of epik high
  • she likes watching variety/reality shows but not dramas.
  • her favorite shows are weekly idol and infinity challenge
  • she's currently learning how to play guitar
  • her favorite song is infinite h's without you.
  • she likes to read fanfiction

internet ¦ twitter @_jspark

scandals/rumours ¦ none


▬  ohana means family

parents ¦

  • father - Park jinhong - 49 - teacher - strict, quiet - alive
  • mother - Jung Sunhee - 47 - businesswoman - understanding, caring, strict - alive

sibilings ¦

  • Park Soohyun - 21 - college student - talkative, understanding, and very caring to his sister - alive

others ¦ none


▬  partners in crime ehehe

best friends ¦

  • Kim Myungsoo - 21 - idol - clingy, caring, playful

friends ¦

  • Bang Yongguk - 23 - idol - protective, caring
  • Kim Riyoung - 22 - a cafe singer - sweet, understanding


▬  it's a love-hate relationship

rivals ¦

  • Lee Chaerin - 22 - idol - playful, friendly - friendly rivalry


▬  let me love you down

first love interest ¦ Nam Woohyun - 22 - idol

personality ¦ he's very friendly. he's full of aegyo when he's around females artists or fans. he's a lil bit hyperactive. and also he is caring

first meeting ¦ Myungsoo introduced her to infinite's member at the backstage when Soojoon was visiting myungsoo to support him.

status ¦ friends.

backup love interest ¦ Kim Sunggyu - 24 - idol

personality ¦ playful, very caring and very responsible.

first meeting ¦ same as the first one

status ¦ same as the first one

scene request ¦ none.


▬  get out of my spotlight

stage name ¦ J-Soo

persona ¦ Nation's elder sister

position ¦ main rapper - sub vocalist

backup position ¦ main rapper - vocalist

fanclub name ¦ sparks

fanclub colour(s) ¦ grey and tosca

singing twin ¦ kara's nicole

rapping twin ¦ beg's miryo

dancing twin ¦ -

other jobs ¦ featured rapper


▬  before people knew about me

trainee years ¦ 5 years

trainee life ¦ it was tough because she just knew about rapping, she must improved her singing and dancing skills. and to her it was hard.

got in by ¦ auditioned

previous companies ¦ none


▬  the end

anything else ¦ nope.

suggestions ¦ i can't think of any..sorry

password ¦ t-ara's lovey dovey


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