username: SushiandJonghyun

name: Lee Kye Ri

nationality  Korea

ethnicity Korean

nickname(s) Bubble(short for bubble tea)

stage name RiRi

ulzzang Kim Bo Ram




age 18 born

height 163cm

weight  53 kg


history Her parents are divorced and have been since she was three. Her mother is a worldwide fashion designer, and never stays in one place for more than two weeks. SHe loves Kye Ri, but hardly thinks she'd make a good enough mother.Her father, on the other hand, is a crackhead in and out of jail. He can barely remember his name, let alone his daughter. All of this led to her living with her grandmother. You'd think she's a rebel, right? Well, she isn't. Actually the opposite. She also has a brother, well half-brother. When he got away from his father(also her father) with become a k-pop idol, she was inspired too.

In school, she was a nerd, due to her lack of speaking. Due to that, she had about 5 or 6 friends. She was put in the basic classes, even thought she was smart enough to be in the advanced. She was constantly picked on in school and shoved into lockers. Everyone called her mentally retarded! You'd think after all of this, she would finally talk right? Nope, she knew that if someone actually tried to get to know her, that they cared enough to try to be her friend, and that genuinally made them a good person.


  • personality
  • cute and adorable
  • you just want to pinch her cheeks
  • basically silent, except when she singsXD
  • a MAJOR bookworm
  • likes to dance
  • nice
  • sceptical at times
  • When it comes to guys, she is SO awkward
  • Often does good deed for others in secret(like if they were all out shopping and saomeone saw something they like, but coun't afford it, she would sneak back, buy it, and put it on their pillow in their room so they would never knkow who got iit.)


siblings Lee Joon from MBLAQ

interest Kikwang from BEAST

blood type A positive


fan club name FictionMoon?

fan club color Liime Green^^


you agree that by submitting this application i am allowed to manipulate your character (mwahwahwa) in whatever manner i determine fit for the story plot to go on (/cough whatever way i please /cough). i am also obliged to get rid (sort of like kibum from suju's situation atm. no, i am not being a basher.) of your character if you don't comment on 2~3 consecutive chapters.

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[ hint: answer yes or else you're not being considered. :| ] Haha I love this!!^^


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